Serpentina vs Spacegodzilla

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Everyone is at the village arena. All the serpent kaiju subjects cheered , jeered and shout as they were excited about the fight. And why ? They know their gold and white Queen always wins.

On the field the Bad Monsters lined up.

Spacegodzilla- I guess I'll be up first. Since I'm leader and all.

The Godzilla from space walks up to the center of the field where Hebira is a referee . Ruby was on a bench behind Megalon. Cheering happily for her Aunt. Megalon looks at her with a deadpanned look.

Megalon- Yeah. You would enjoy this.

Just then , Serpentina emerges from the entrance and slithers to the center , getting close face to face with Spacegodzilla and next to Hebira.

Hebira- ( Clears throat , then points to the right ) QUEEN SERPENTINA !

Serpentina lets out a loud hiss mixed with a roar as her miniature head hands follow suit before she stops and glares at Spacegodzilla as she prepares in a fighting stance.

Hebira- Vs.... ( Points to left ) SPACEGODZILLA !

Spacegodzilla lets out his galactic roar as he levitates in midair before he floats backn down and glares at the serpent queen.

Hebira- KAIJU..... FIGHT !!!

Hebira quickly slithers out of the way so she won't get hurt during the battle. Spacegodzilla instantly charges at Serpentina with a battle cry and rears his fist back while his fist is balled up , preparing the punch he's going to deliver. But she , however , smirks in amusement. Oh , how fun it was going to be for her .

Before the space kaiju could land a punch on her , Serpentina dodges at the speed of lightning , and whacks him hard with her tail , making him fall on his back.

Spacegodzilla- Ow ! Okay... That really hurt.

Spacegodzilla stands back up and turns around before he fires his corona beam at her , but to no luck , she dodges. She then quickly slithers up to him and sprays out blinding venom from her mouth into his eyes. The astro godzilla yelps out in pain as he touches his eyes. Serpentina gains the opportunity and shoots out an electric green laserbeam from her forehead gem . The force of the beam made Spacegodzilla violently collide against one of the arena's walls.

His team had different expressions. Megalon : Disbelief ; Biollante : Denial ; Hedorah : gobsmacked ; Orga : astonishment ; And Gigan's : Love and admiration.

Orga- ( Amused ) That's gotta leave a mark.

Megalon- ( Looks at Orga ) Yeah. No kidding !

Gigan- ** Omg , she is so beautiful. Nobody could beat Spacegodzilla's ass lile that at all ! And she's the first ! You guys ! She's so gorgeous . You guys.**

Then Serpentina swiftly and instantaneously glides up to their leader and coils him up with her body. And her hold was quite immensely stronger than Hebira's or amyone else's on this island. The albino serpent grasp became progressively tight ; Almost to the point where he can't breathe properly.

Megalon- Ohh , boy.

Orga- She's really starting to squeeze the living life out of him.

Spacegodzilla's face literally became blue. And not the good shade either. He started gasping for air , trying to fight his way out of the Queen's body. But he was feeling to weak to. Even with his powers , he feels too vulnerable.

Spacegodzilla- I mustn't... Give... Up...

As the crowd's cheers is risimg volume , Serpentina continues to squeeze him until he finally passed out with a huff. Satisfied , Serpentina uncoils him as he drops to the ground , letting him breathe right again , taking in huge gasp for air.

Hebira- ( Raises arm ) Spacegodzilla is unable to go on ! Queen Serpentina wins !

The crowd goes wild for their ruler. Serpentina smirks victoriously as she opens her arms wide like she was gonna get a hug , whilst the rag tag kaiju looked astounded , yet a little horrified ( Besides Gigan ) .

Orga- This is gonna be hard.

Megalin- We are so screwed.

To Be Continued....

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