Chapter Eight

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Bakugou left the cafeteria, taking his time walking up the stairs. He had nowhere to be, after all. He encountered no one as he made the short walk down the hall to his dorm. Of course he didn't, everyone else was still eating. He'd finished pretty early.

Standing in front of his dorm, he pushed the door open. Almost instantly, his expression transformed into one of pure surprise. However, he quickly masked it with a scowl and a red glare.

"What the hell are you doing in my room, Half 'n Half?"

Todoroki fixed the blonde with that almost unreadable stare. "I collected some of the materials. I was wondering if you'd want to start working on the base."

"Of course a fucking idiot like you would intrude just for that," Bakugou said, annoyed. "How the hell did you even get in here? I was damn sure I locked the door!"

"You didn't," Todoroki responded simply, which almost infuriated the blonde standing in the doorway. He couldn't get any reaction from the bastard. Always calm and indifferent.

"Whatever," Bakugou growled. "Leave the base materials and get out. I can work on that myself."

Todoroki shrugged. "Okay. They're on your desk." He nodded to the pile of things beside him, rose from the desk chair, and then strode out the room, walking around Bakugou. Completely unaffected by the blond's attitude, as usual.

Bakugou muttered a curse under his breath, then slammed his door closed. He glanced at the pile of cardboard and plastics on his desk, wondering how Todoroki had even gotten them so quickly. His gaze lingered on the materials for a few more moments, then he turned away. Even though he was one of the top students, he didn't feel like doing much work this evening.

Bakugou moved to his bed, laying down on his back, hands behind his head. He wondered when Kirishima would finish up his planning with Deku, or whatever they were doing. He sighed, accepting the fact that his life was a whole lot more boring without Ei.

The time was probably around 7:10. Since he was putting off the work, he really didn't have anything he needed to do. He rolled onto his side, then moved his gaze up to the shelf above his desk. He had quite a few books lying there. He pushed himself up and walked over to the shelf, reaching up to grab a book at random.

He glanced at the cover, seeing that it was one of the All Might graphic novels that he'd collected. When he saw the cover illustrations, he couldn't help but to think of Deku. He was obsessed with All Might as a kid. Was he still obsessed?

Bakugou mentally slapped himself. Why should he care about what that damn nerd likes? He flipped open the comic, ready to drown himself in the fictional world of heroes and villains. He sat down on the bed again and leaned back against the pillows.

When he finished reading, it was a little past nine. When he got up to check the time, he was a little shocked. Kirishima would've come back by now. Of course, his boyfriend didn't spend every night in Bakugou's room, but maybe he would've at least told him?

Bakugou growled softly, annoyed at himself. Of course Kirishima doesn't need to tell him if he wants to sleep in his own damn room. He was probably just too tired to leave his room after working with Deku, he convinced himself. Those two would probably be working for damn hours. He rolled his eyes and fell back on his bed, deciding that it was time for him to be getting to sleep.

As he drifted to sleep, however, he couldn't shake off the discomfort from Kirishima's absence.

Kirishima yawned as he woke up, stretching his arms over his head. He blinked, registering just where he was. His own bed. It was a little funny that his bed almost felt foreign to him, from all the nights he'd spent in Bakugou's dorm. He shook his head and chuckled to himself before pulling himself out of bed.

He went through his morning routine, which felt a little weird without Bakugou in the room with him, making some occasional comments. He fumbled with his tie for a minute, then glanced in his mirror and nodded to his reflection. He turned on his heel and walked out of his room.

Almost as soon as Kirishima did, a blonde figure standing in the common area caught his attention. The red-haired teen instantly started to smile brightly as he strode over to his boyfriend, who had noticed him as well.

"Hey, babe," Kirishima said, giving Katsuki a chaste kiss.

"Hey, shitty hair," the blonde replied afterwards, causing Kirishima to sigh a little, even though he found it amusing.

"I swear, sometimes I feel like you don't actually know anyone's names," Kirishima joked. "That's why you're always using nicknames."

"I know everyone's names," Bakugou said, glaring at him challengingly. "I just don't feel the need to use them."

"Oh yeah? Then who's that?" Kirishima responded, pointing to Sero, who had just emerged from his own dorm room.

"Soy Sauce Face," Bakugou said simply. Kirishima laughed, while Sero looked slightly offended. Of course, none of Bakugou's insults were ever taken to heart in their group; the 'Bakusquad' as Mina had taken to calling the five of them. Bakugou, of course, didn't appreciate that at first, but he tolerated it. Mostly.

"You didn't really prove me wrong, but whatever," Kirishima said, throwing an arm around his boyfriend's shoulders. "To class we must go!"

Bakugou snorted, but he let Kirishima pull him away, out of the dorm building, and into the school.

A/n: Sorry the chapter is pretty short, but I want to get a few chapters out this week, since I'll be going on a month-long trip, on which I may not have access to Wattpad.

Anyways, have a good evening, guys!


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