Chapter Twelve

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Izuku yawned, raising his arms up over his head. He blinked the sleep from his eyes, rolling himself out of bed. He didn't bother with his curly green hair, since when did he ever? Well, he did occasionally comb his fingers through it, but that didn't really count.

He chuckled, examining himself in the mirror, then slipping into his closet to grab his uniform. When he was properly ready, he adjusted his tie a bit and stepped out the door. There, he was almost immediately met with bright red.

"Hey, Midoriya!"

"Oh, hi, Kirishima," Izuku said smiling, quickly noting that Bakugou wasn't around. It was a bit weird to see Kirishima without the blonde around him.  He'd ask, but he was sure it'd seem nosy. He and Bakugou weren't even friends, really, so it would be strange to ask about him.

"Wanna walk together? Katsuki left earlier. Maybe he wanted to talk to Aizawa or something?"

"Probably," Izuku said, though it sounded rather non-committal. Kirishima smiled, though, and nodded down the hall.

"Let's go, then," he said, and the two boys strode off together, making idle chit chat about their project.

"I heard today is our break day," Kirishima said as they walked, and Izuku had to think for a moment.

"Oh, yeah! I think I heard someone say we'd just be doing a short assignment today."

"Yeah, it should be pretty simple. I'm glad we get to relax, before we get really serious about the project."

The two walked through the tall doorway of their classroom, still talking. Izuku found the ease with which he held a conversation with Kirishima to be sort of strange. He didn't stutter much, or fall into awkward silences, or say stupid things. Kirishima basically emanated self-confidence; maybe it was spreading to Izuku.

"Took you long enough, shitty hair." Izuku's gaze darted across the classroom, falling on the blond-haired, red-eyed form of Bakugou Katsuki. Bakugou seemed to notice Izuku at the same time. "Deku," Bakugou said, nodding to him, a bit stiffly. Izuku stared, confused, while Kirishima waved at the blonde.

"Hey, Katsuki! Why'd you get up so early?"

"I had something to do," was the blond's simple response. Izuku felt the statement was rather vague, but Kirishima seemingly had no issues. He smiled at Izuku, which he interpreted to mean that he was going to go converse with Bakugou now, and then moved over to Bakugou's desk.

Izuku softly smiled at how easily the two got along. He'd always wanted that kind of relationship with Bakugou, but their younger years made it clear that it was never meant to be. He shook his head and moved to sit at his desk, watching as other students filed into the room, filling it with life once more.

At lunch, Izuku grabbed his food and let his feet lead him to the space Kirishima and Bakugou always ate. It was becoming a bit of a ritual for him. He already had a smile on his face, and was ready to see Kirishima wave him over. Once the spot came into view, though...

He did not see Kirishima waving at him. The sight that met his eyes almost made him drop his lunch. Kirishima and Bakugou were kissing. Kissing. And it didn't look like it was the first time. Crap. Crap, crap, crap. His head was spinning with thoughts that couldn't even begin to form properly. Part of him wanted to stay. But the large majority of his brain was telling him to get out of there. Quick.  He spun on his heels, uncomfortably conscious of the noise his footsteps made as he hurried away.

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