Chapter Nine

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Bakugou sat through the first class of the day without taking in too much information. Just that it was advisable for them to start working on a research presentation before building their model. He tucked the info in the back of his head, knowing he could pull it out later. He just couldn't help but remember how strange it felt to not wake up with Kirishima.

He'd stopped himself from asking why Kirishima hadn't come to his room. He wasn't going to start something with his boyfriend over nothing. Nothing seemed to be wrong between them, so Bakugou was better off pushing the occurrence aside.

"Bakugou?" a voice to his right snapped him out of his stupor. It was Half 'n Half. "I'm going to start working on the research presentation, if that's alright. So you can work on the base like you said."

Bakugou grunted acknowledgement, and Todoroki slipped away, back to his own desk. Bakugou had to be thankful for the fact that he'd been given a relatively intelligent partner, even though he wouldn't be caught dead saying Icy Hot was smart.

He thought back to the pile of materials on his desk, wondering exactly how he was going to start on the model. Earthquakes were his chosen natural disaster, so thinner cardboard over plastic should work. They could shake it easily, and even slightly bend the material as a simulation. That's good.

He nodded to himself, taking down mental notes for when he could go back to his dorm and start working on it. He figured he may as well start thinking on the buildings too. They'd jotted down all the general materials, but not precisely what they were going to do with them. The taller buildings like apartments definitely needed to be reinforced with something. And a whole lot of hot glue.

He was getting pretty into the planning when he heard laughter behind him. Kirishima?

Bakugou turned his head slightly, risking a slight peek behind him. It was Kirishima and Deku, both talking animatedly, eyes bright. Bakugou already knew the green-haired boy had tons of ideas running through that nerd brain of his. The blonde shook his head, stopping himself from getting distracted.

Something was bothering him, though, seeing Kirishima being so comfortable with damn Deku, of all people. It was annoying, in a way, how easily the shitty nerd had slipped into a friendship with him.

Suddenly, Bakugou heard a sharp crack. He jolted slightly then glanced down at his desk, where the two halves of a pencil lay. Oh. Huh.

A couple other students were eyeing him, alerted by the snap of the pencil breaking. Bakugou rolled his eyes and shoved the broken pieces into his bag, reaching for another to twiddle in his fingers as he thought about the project. Nothing but the project.

He forced himself to drown out the occasional laugh from behind him and the feeling, whatever it was, that was trying to reach him. It didn't matter. Not one bit.

When class was over, Bakugou quickly started off to his next class, Math. He was almost desperate to escape the foreign, crawling feeling in his chest. He didn't really realize he was speed-walking until he heard Kirishima's voice call after him.

"Katsuki, what's the rush?"

The blonde froze for a moment, realizing just how quickly he was moving down the hall. His class wasn't even that far away. He slowed his pace, allowing Kirishima to catch up with him. Bakugou didn't say anything, though. Just kept on walking.

"Babe, you good? You're acting a little weird," Kirishima said after a couple seconds of silence.

"I'm fine, shitty hair. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Whatever you say, babe," Kirishima said, shrugging before he slipped his hand into Bakugou's. Immediately, the blonde felt relieved. It was like a spark erupted from the contact, rush through him. His shoulders relaxed; he hadn't even known they were tense in the first place. His boyfriend must of noticed something, as he turned his head with a small, lopsided grin.

"You good now?"

"Yeah," Bakugou mumbled, face heating up. Shit, I probably look like Deku, he thought, which wasn't all too far from the truth.

Kirishima laughed, and it a great sound to hear when that shitty nerd wasn't around. "Walk me to class?" the red-haired boy asked.

"Sure, shitty hair."

Kirishima's grin brightened, and Bakugou couldn't help but to smile as well as the two of them walked over to the stairwell.

A/n: Okay, hi! The chapters are getting pretty short, but I think I'm going to start favoring shorter chapters for more updates, just for this period of time. Also, this was supposed to be out yesterday, but oh well. I sort of forgot about it...

Anyway, hope you have a good day, guys!


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