6. Team Edge Challenge

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                       ...The next day...

We were in our office, getting some work done. Right now, no one knew in the office that we proposed to each other. We decided that we will tell them during the lunch break. But then my mobile buzzed. It was an Instagram notification.
       '@itsjfred tagged you in a post.'
I opened it. It was yesterday's video. There were many comments on that post. So I decided to read some of them. Matt was also watching that video. Almost all the comments were good.

'They are the cutest couple of YouTube.'
'I am so happy for them.'
And many more just like this.
But then one comment caught my eye. It said,
'I don't know what magic this ugly looking girl have done on Matthias. There are millions of beautiful girls in the world and he chose her. Feeling sad for him. #savemattfromher.'
I got a little teary and pressed the home button. But then my mobile buzzed again.
'@matthiasiam mentioned you in a comment.' He replied to that mean comment.
'There may be millions of beautiful girls in the world but for me, @(y/username) is the one in millions. She makes me happy. Love is a small word. What I feel for her is somehow larger than love. Something I can't define. And yes, I am going to marry her. If any of you guys have problem then you can unfollow us. Thanks.'

Y- Woah! Why did you do that?

Matt stood up and sat beside me.

M- I am not going to bear if someone is talking bad about you.

He ruffled my hair. I smiled at him.

Y- Thank you, Matt.

Then we heard Connor yelling and running towards our office. Our door was closed and he ran into it, without opening it. We heard a little 'Aaah!' We, both, looked at the door. Then our door opened. He was out of breath. He held his phone up.

C- What is this?
M- What do you think this is?

Then Tanner and Gunner came in.

G- Were you planning of not telling us?
Y- We decided that we will tell everyone during the break.
T- Don't lie.
Y- What? Why would I lie?
M- Bro, if we wanted to keep this a secret then Joey would not have been uploaded this in the first place.
T- *long pause*Ooooh yeahhhh!!! You're right. *smiles*
Y- *facepalms* And by the way, in case you have not checked your messages, we have texted in the group to come to the meeting room as we have something to tell everyone.
T- Oh! Sorry. I forgot to check.
M- Let's go to the meeting room. Everyone will be here any minute.

A while later everyone was here.

M- Hey everyone. I have a little announcement to make. Some of you may have seen J-Fred's recent post and some of you may have not. Actually, the thing is that, (y/n) and I are getting married.
Y- Yes, we are.
Bobby- Dude, perfect!!! Congrats. I am so happy for you.

Everyone clapped and congratulated us. After the break, we came back to our office. Matt locked the door.

Y- Why did you locked the door?
M- So, we can do this.

He pulled me and started kissing me. He then came to my neck and started sucking. My hands were on his biceps. And his hands were on my waist.

Y- M-Matt! No!!

But he didn't listen. Right then, someone knocked on the door.

Y- *gasps* Shoot.

I pulled some of my hairs in front because I was pretty sure that Matt had left some marks. Matt opened the door.

Bryan- Uhm.. Sorry to disturb you but we have a Team Edge video to shoot today.
M- Ok. Coming in 5.
B- Ok.

Bryan left and Matt closed the door. He kissed me one more time then we changed in Team Edge merch and went out.

Y- What are we doing?
J- Chubby bunny challenge with peeps.
Y- I am so gonna lose. I have a small mouth hole.


M- What's up guys. We are Team Edge and today we are doing the Chubby bunny challenge. Stay till the end because the loser is going to spin the wheel of misfortune.

We started the challenge. After 4 peeps,

Y- Chubby bunny. *singing* I am gonna choke. Haha.

This made everyone laugh. J-Fred laughed so hard that the peeps that were in his mouth fell on the table. We all went 'eewww...'

J- (y/n), What the heck??
Y- *laughs* Don't make me laugh!

Matt and Bryan were still laughing.

J- *laughing* Bryan!! It's coming out!! No!!!

This made Bryan laugh more and the peeps came out.

Y- Yaayy!!
J- It's between the love birds now. Let's see who wins.

We calmed down and continued putting peeps in our mouth. We were on 6th now. Matt was about to choke.

Y- *muffled voice* Careful!
M- I don't have any space left.
J- Eww.. It's dripping. Matt!!!

Matt put another one in and said 'Chubby bunny'.

Y- *singing* Say one more time.
M- *laughs and spits out*
B- Ooohh.. (y/n) won this challenge.
M- Babe, you can spit it out now. You won.
Y- *muffled voice* Don't look at me.

I spat all the peeps out in the napkin and threw it in the dustbin.

Y- I WON!!!
B- Oh my god.. Your teeth and tongue are blue.
Y- Do they look good? *smiles*
B- They look amazing. *laughs*
M- Joey, spin the wheel.

He got reverse.

J- Yess!! I will choose (y/n).
Y- Why??

I spun the wheel and it said reverse again.

Y- J-Fred, spin it.
J- What the heck?

Then he got 'ice bucket dump'. We went out and dumped the ice cold water on him. Then Bryan did the outro and ended the video. It was already the time to leave when we ended the video.

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