Chapter 6

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I still thought of those words. "You still owe me!"

I definitely wasn't looking forward to 'paying him back,' considering it always ends up in me being sore. However, I did like the benefits of joining the akatsuki. By that, I mean Tobi and Deidara.

I've gathered more than enough information for Tsunade. The war is about to start and I know she'll be itching for my information... maybe I should send her a messenger bird to tell her I'm okay? No, she knows I can handle myself. I still need to find a chance to escape to the village though... but I'll worry about that after I make amends with Deidara's deal.

I head to the kitchen to grab a quick snack, only to be met by Hidan, Kakuzu, Itatchi and Pein. "If it isn't y/n herself, the loudest person here!" Hidan puts his arm around me, pulling me in. I slide it off and step away. "Is that supposed to mean something?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Well the other day I walked into the hideout and heard some strangeee noises from your room. You and Deidara seem to be getting along." He snatched the food in my hand and ate it. "Little Deidara, growing up so fast~!" I could feel Itatchi's and Pein's confusement and disappointment. I turn the shade of a tomato and walk out of the room. "As if Pein and Konan weren't enough of a problem..." Kakuzu mumbles.

Konan stops me by grabbing my arm and holding out a pill. "Swallow this so you don't get pregnant." She says loud enough for me to hear. I thank her, it's nice to know somebody was on my side!

I swallow it on my way back to the room. I shut the door behind me and was greeted by Deidara in a towel. His hair was still somewhat damp, so he must've just showered a moment ago. "Came to see me change?" He flirts.

I already get plenty of views of his body, so I didn't waste time checking him out. "Or because this is still technically my room." I respond while walking to my bed.

-time skip-

After taking a quick nap, I headed back out into the kitchen. Once again, greeted by Hidan. Does this guy do anything else other than eat? "Look what the cat dragged in, she's probably here for some fun time with Goldilocks." He jokes to Sasori and Zetsu. Deidara was sitting down across from them.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" I drop my hands on the counter.

"You're the one who keeps coming back to the kitchen. You probably weigh a ton if you eat that much." He shrugs with a smirk.

"I'm only back here because you stole my lunch!" I grab a knife and infuse it with chakra, then hurl it towards him. It slices right through his arm.

"Jokes on you, that's my kink!" Hidan laughs. I shrivel in disgust. "I'm starting to take a liking to this one."

"Hidan you should shut up before she tries to kills you." Deidara rolls his eyes.

I sit down next to Deidara while chewing watermelon. Hidan was just glaring at me. "What do you want?" I ask.

"I'd like to bone you better than Deidara ever has-" before he could finish I chucked the watermelon at him, said "Do you ever stop talking?" and went back to the room. Deidara follows behind me.

"I'd love to kill him if he weren't immortal." Deidara sighs.

"One of the many downsides to the big guy." I add. "But thank you for at least being on my side." I grin.

"Do I get anything in return? Y'know, something that you may owe me?" He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in. All I do is look up at him and laugh a bit before pulling him into a deep kiss, which quickly turned into a heated make-out session that moved to his bed. This time, he was beneath me.

I unzipped his cloak and slipped off all of his clothing. I move myself down to his hard member and begin moving it with my hands then eventually put my mouth on the top. "W-wait, what if Tobi walks in?" Deidara asks.

"Don't sorry about it," I respond, "I haven't seen him all day, he's probably on a mission. Just relax." I put my mouth back on him and attempt to put his entire member into my mouth and succeed, it's a good thing I didn't have a gag reflex. I continue to bob my head up and down. I look up and notice him roll his head back while cusses and groans ensued. After another minute or so of doing the same thing, he released into my mouth. I swallowed it to avoid a mess, then I walked out of the room, leaving him there on the bed panting.

I go to the kitchen and grab a bag of honey twists, then make my way to the living room. I sat next to, you guessed it, Hidan.

"So how's Deid-"

"Shut it."

"Just saying, I heard some weirrrrd noises from your room-"

I grab him by the collar and hold a kunai up to his neck in less than a second, this was nothing compared to how fast I am in combat. "Would you please just shut the fuck up?" I mumble.

"Sure! So I'm guessing you're bottom-" I cut his head off and tossed it to Kakuzu. "Hey that's not polite, this really hurts!" He groans.

I finally found my excuse to escape. "Whatever, I'm going out for a walk." I move the boulder then step outside. I began to slowly walk away incase they were watching me, just to avoid suspicion. Once I was about a mile or so away, I headed towards the leaf village and began dashing from tree to tree. Considering I'm the fastest ninja of the leaf, I get there in no time.

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