Chapter 1 Back In Dreamland

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The day started quite ordinarily in dreamland. Kirby was chasing a butterfly and looking for his next snack. Meta Knight was watching over Kirby making sure he was OK as always. And the king was taking a nap near a tree as Bandanna Waddle Dee watched over the castle. Everything was peaceful. All the allies of Kirbys were doing there typical thing. It couldn't have been an nicer day for a certain mollusk after quite sometimes to come back to the planet. "Ah...Dreamland...Its been quite sometimes hasn't it.." The snail said quietly to himself as he held a bag of his things on his back. Escargoon had left for a long time. About 4 years too be exact. He separated from the king in his own best interest. They didn't leave on bad terms. But Escargoon wanted to try to earn degrees he had never gotten the chance to earn and maybe gain his own life. Not that he really did. Things were very different without Dedede those few years. He had assumed that Dreamland had moved on without him by now. But decided it couldn't hurt to check out the old neighborhood.

Escargoon began to walk the trails too Cappy Town. A large sigh escaped him. "This place hasn't changed a bit hm, Minus a few small things everything looks like when I had left." He quietly spoke to himself. He was almost worried that when he went into to town no one would remember him. The thought of that sent shivers down his spine. It sounded like the monster incident except it was all real. "Surely someone will remember I used to be here with the king.." He spoke once more as he walked slowly. He closed his eyes a bit and enjoyed the gentle breeze as he walked. He really missed this place.

Escargoon continued to walk to the peaceful sounds until he heard the loud sound of a familiar pink alien. "Poyo!" He heard as he watched Kirby run up too him. "K-Kirby? Your still here? I thought the king would'a gotten rid of ya by now!" Escargoon exclaimed sounding quite surprised too see the pink orb running around. Kirby ran up to him and tackle hugged him. "Poyo, poyo!" Kirby said the large smile was quite obvious. He couldn't have been happier to see him, despite all the schemes he and Dedede had pulled on him years ago.

Escargoon began to smile as much as he hated to admit it, seeing Kirby again was refreshing. "Oh Kirby its great too see your alive and well!" Escargoon smiled as he gently lifted Kirby up in his arms. "Poyo!" Kirby giggled gently as he was lifted up. Kirby jumped out of Escargoons grasp. "Poyo, poyo poyo!" Kirby exclaimed as he seemed to be pointing at an area. Could it be that Kirby wanted Escargoon to follow him? "What is it Kirby? What are ya trying to tell me?" Escargoon asked seeming quite confused.

Kirby gently grabbed onto Escargoon's hand pulling it towards where he wanted to go. "Poyo poyo!" He said looking somewhat excited. Clearly the small pink blob wanted Escargoon to be somewhere. Escargoon began to get gently pulled by Kirby so he ended up just walking next to him, holding his hand gently. "K-kirby ya do realize I haven't been here in forever. I need to find a place I can check into fir-" Before Escargoon was finished he was interrupted with another one of Kirby's typical sounds. "Poyo!" Kirby said happily as he walked cheerfully to the spot. Escargoon sighed lightly but smiled. "Alright. Lets go where you want first I guess.." He said walking along with him.

Kirby had lead Escargoon to a random tree. Escargoon of course was confused and not completely amused by this. "Kirby I know you sleep in a tree but for me this is ridiculous..." Escargoon looked the tree up and down and looked back down at Kirby as he spoke. Kirby sat Escargoon down. "Poyo, poyo poyo?" He almost looked as if he was telling him to sit and wait. Escargoon understood but was unbelievably confused. "I-i mean if you want me to stay here I-i can...Just don't leave me here for too long Kirby!" Kirby started walking off and nodded to Escargoon as he walked away. He was obviously trying to get Escargoon too see something or someone...

And that was his plan exactly.

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