Chapter 2 Plans Coming Together

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Kirby had already gotten Escargoon just where he had wanted him too be. Safe and sound sitting down by the tree. He hoped he wouldn't walk off. He wanted to be sure this was perfect. He knew that if he could get this just right it would be wonderful. He only had one shot at making this an excellent Reunion. Kirby began to walk until he heard the loud snores of the penguin king. Now all Kirby had to do was get him too follow. Which might be tough but Kirby liked a challenge.

The king snored loudly enjoying his nice nap by the tree. He was quite comfortable...until a small little pink puff crawled up onto his stomach. "Poyo?" Kirby said obviously trying to wake the king. At first Dedede thought if I ignore him, I can continue sleeping...But that wasn't the case. Kirby began to hop up and down on him to wake him up. He wanted him to wake up and he made that very clear. "Alright! alright...I get it Kirby I'm up.." Dedede said slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

Kirby smiled big as Dedede opened his eyes too see him. Kirby sat in his lap and smiled big. "Whaddya want from ya little pink marshmallow?" Dedede asked looking somewhat annoyed as he continued to rub his eyes. Kirby stood up and pulled and pulled on the kings robe as he pointed to where he wanted him to go. King Dedede looked up to where he wanted to go. "Over there? Right now? C'mon Kirby I ain't got the time or the energy to walk all the way over dere right now." Dedede said sounding just a tad bit annoyed as he lied back down.

Kirby pulled on his robe harder making his point as the pull alone made Dedede flip over. "Man for a baby alien you still are strong as anything.." Dedede said as he gently lifted himself up from his fall. King Dedede looked down to Kirby who looked quite determined to get him to go this one tree. "Why do you want me to go over dere anyway? This tree over here looks just like dat one.." He said looking irritated. Kirby just smiled and began to pull on his arm to follow him there. Dedede let out large tired sigh. "Fine I'll do dis. But after you owe me a meal Kirby." Kirby jumped a bit as he walked "Poyo!" He said agreeing to large meal...more for him than Dedede though.

Escargoon gently sat and felt quite relaxed. He to admit Kirby left him in quite the nice place. It was quiet, the worry of people forgetting him after so long faded away. "Kirby does know the best places to forget all his troubles, I'll give him that one." Escargoon let out as he relaxed. "Though..He said he would be right back..Its been a little while now." He said sounding somewhat worried for him. "Maybe I should go find the little guy..Who knows what trouble he could'a gotten into." Escargoon spoke to himself gently. He got up and looked around a little bit though not far from the tree had been sitting by.

King Dedede and Kirby finally got to the spot. Kirby had been singing the whole way and Dedede...well looked tired as anything. From the long walk and Kirbys bad singing of course. "I mean it Kirby whatever you want me to see, it better be worth that whole walking time cause that was awful!" Kirby looked up too Dedede and nodded in agreement. Almost like a promise that it was worth his time. Kirby had looked but Escargoon was not where he told him to be. Kirby got nervous. King Dedede would be mad if he had no reason to come here!

King Dedede looked impatient "Kirby! Why am I here? Nothing here looks important at all!" Kirby had a nervous smile as he looked for Escargoon. King Dedede watched him and tapped his foot anxiously. "Kirby please don't tell me you brought me here for nothing cause if you did! I swear on Nova I-" King Dedede threatened. But was interrupted by the one voice he never would have expected to speak at that moment.

"Your Majesty?" 

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