Thank you all for reading the story, I hope you all enjoyed it! I had too much fun making it. It was a blast writing this, and I just hope that it gave you all the same feelings it gave me when making it. I just want to thank you all. But do look at the announcement if you liked the story! It has a nice little message waiting!
AUTHORS NOTE (UPDATE 2023)With this series being so old now, I figured it's good to change this message since it was out of date. I mean it has existed for almost four years now after all.
If you guys liked the story, there is a narrated rendition on my YouTube Channel: Tae Draws!
It has been linked throughout the chapters and the full movie version is here too. It is a bit of an outdated narrated series, but it holds a lot of nostalgia and good memories, so if you would like to hear it voiced and narrated there is a place to do that! If you check out the playlist in there you can also see some older animations/animatics, edits, and even a blooper reel if that tickles your fancy~
Thank you all for the amazing support on this story, to this day I cannot believe that Kirby fans old and new read this. I never thought I could touch so many hearts with it, especially fans of Dedesuka since at one point in time I was like the king of this ship. Thank you all for the support and for taking a read, if I ever come back to this idea I will let you all know, but for now, enjoy the memories and story we built of The Missing Ally~

The Missing Ally
FanfictionAfter 4 Years of Escargoon leaving Dreamland many things have changed. The people who live in town. Or some people's attitudes in general. But when the mollusk decides to come home to Cappy Town after so long. What will await him? Will the king's re...