Escargoon began to walk out of his room and into bustling main room of the castle. Some faces familiar too him some all new. He was an introvert so being here with so many people freaked the snail out. But he knew he had too pull through it. Besides Dedede and everyone pulled this all off in such a short time! Just because he was moving back into town. Sure the anxiety of making a fool of himself was there but he decided to ignore it and try to have a nice time he deserved it after all.
The first to greet him was none other than the pink blob himself. Who was wearing a small light yellow bow tie. "Poyo Poyo!" He hopped up and down in excitement. All the food and people around must have been making him excited. "Hehe, You seem pretty happy Kirby. Though you all always are so no surprises here." Kirby responded in a happy nod. He began to drag Escargoon closer to the main area rather than the sidelines. This of course made Escargoon nervous but Kirby gave him a tight reassuring grip in his hands that..made it OK.
"Ah there you are Escargoon! I was worried you were not going to make it for a little bit there!" Bandanna Dee said jokingly as he sat at the table. Escargoon laughed nervously. "I-i almost didn't.." He said holding his own shoulder. "Nonsense! You made it just in time. No need to worry about it Escargoon." Magolor said as he flew up to the table they were all sitting on and sat down. Escargoon sat down as well gently lifting Kirby into a seat near him. "I-I guess so.." Escargoon said shyly wanting to make himself smaller at that moment. Talking to 2 people alone was already a lot for him to take.
"Well it is good to have you back in dreamland Escargoon." Meta Knight said as he appeared as if from no where in a seat next to Magolor. Escargoon looked surprised at Meta Knights sudden appearance. He had forgotten how he can do that. "Ah yes Meta Knight! I should have known you want to make an entrance." Magolor spoke as he turned to the knight. "Not an entrance just a quick way of transportation." Meta Knight spoke matter of factually. "But of course." Magolor nodded in agreement to knights statement.
Escargoon was having trouble finding words too say despite being the focus of the party. He was happy too see some of the people he hadn't seen in years but was still crazy nervous. "A-anyways how have all you been since I left?" Escargoon spouted out not being quite sure what else would be good conversation starter. "We for the most part have been fine. Much has changed yet much has stayed the same. And you?" Meta Knight asked in a polite manner. Escargoon smiled weakly. "It has been OK to say the least. Not as interesting as living here that's for sure."
Bandanna Dee spoke up once more "Well surely you learned tons while you were away! But I'm sure you really missed home as well." Escargoon nodded his weak smile staying on his face. King Dedede after quite some time of not speaking lost in his own thoughts, decided to say something after seeing how Escargoon was clearly feeling. "But there's no reason to miss home now. Cause well your here." Dedede empathized. Escargoon's weak smile turned to a more normal smile as he looked up too Dedede. "Your are right its just going to take some getting used too is all." Escargoon answered looking like he was feeling better.
"Yeah, yeah its great that he is back and everything...Not that I know him. Anyway someone pass the cupcakes." A pink orb wearing a jester hat from across the table spoke. "Now now Marx where are your manners? Our new companion just came back from a long trip. You should at least try to be a little nicer." Magolor scolded as he looked to Marx from across the table. Escargoon had no clue who the guy was but it was obvious he wasn't the nicest guy. "I would be nicer if I could have a cupcake? But you know. No arms so. I'm limited." Marx mocked in his sarcastic way. Dedede shot Marx a glare before Kirby reached over the table to hand Marx one of the cupcakes.
"Ah thank you Kirby! See this is the real best guy over here." Marx grinned as he took a bite of the treat. Kirby just smiled and responded as he always would. "Poyo!". Escargoon smiled at Kirbys optimism. It was nice too see even when times were rough Kirby can stay happy. Escargoon had only wished he could be that good with people. Everyone proceeded to start talking again with one another. Escargoon stayed somewhat quiet. To Escargoon's surprise so did Dedede. He looked like he was in really deep thought once more. It was odd for him to be acting this way...Maybe it was just him trying to block all the so called commoners out or something. He didn't want to bother Dedede. Despite him wanting to talk to him more. Escargoon got off the table and began too look around too see who else was at the party.Who knew what else or who else he might walk into...

The Missing Ally
FanfictionAfter 4 Years of Escargoon leaving Dreamland many things have changed. The people who live in town. Or some people's attitudes in general. But when the mollusk decides to come home to Cappy Town after so long. What will await him? Will the king's re...