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As usual, on a sunny day, the park was full of families that decided to roam around on a nice Saturday morning with kids running around the grassy field and couples sitting under the trees while having romantic picnics.

"What a great day to be at the park," Kise said with a smile as he, Aomine and Tetsuya took a stroll. Tetsuya held Aomine's hand and looked around the people that swarmed the park.

"It's a shame the others were unable to come, though," Kise said.

"Well, it is the time of the year where people go to hospitals so Midorima would surely be working his ass off at the hospital," Aomine said, "And Murasakibara is always busy at the restaurant, especially since summer vacation is nearing and his restaurant is a tourist spot,"

"But Tetsuya-cchi seems like he'll be enjoying today despite us being incomplete," Kise said with a smile as he eyed Tetsuya who was trying hard not to let go of Aomine's hand despite his excitement to go to the playground.

Their last visit was somewhat a disaster and stressful because Tetsuya had a habit of getting lost and they spent half the day trying to find him only to spot him dozing off under a tree for an afternoon nap he was used to doing every day. This resulted in Akashi to scold him for the first time and made him promise to never let go of anyone's hand especially when they're in a public place. With tears threatening to fall, Tetsuya promised and had been keeping his end of the deal ever since.

Aomine chuckled. "Alright, Tetsu, no need to hurry," he said as they picked up their pace to get to the playground. Once there, Aomine let go of Tetsuya and told him to play with other kids.

At his age, interaction with kids his age was a very important thing and as much as Akashi wanted his little brother cooped up in the mansion with him and the other four older men as his companion, they still couldn't ignore the fact that Tetsuya was too young and needed kids his age to be able to function properly once he grows up. Takao, Tetsuya's pediatrician, also told him that interaction with other people would help him move on from his past faster.

"Oy," Aomine said as he sat on the bench near the playground with a sports drink in his hand as he glared at Kise nearby. "We're supposed to look after Tetsu, not try and find dates,"

The blonde pilot had been the apple of the eye of single ladies that roamed around the park and had been flirting with them for quite some time while Aomine was left to babysit Tetsuya.

"I wasn't flirting!" Kise said, his cheeks tinged with pink. "I... I was just--"

"Akashi will be furious if we lose Tetsuya today," Aomine said, clicking his tongue in annoyance. "You know how that red-haired demon's possessive of his baby brother,"

"That's a bit harsh, Aomine-cchi," Kise said as he scratched his nape and sat down next to him. "Besides, Tetsuya-cchi promised, didn't he? I doubt he'd get lost again,"

After a few moments, Tetsuya ran back to them covered in sweat and sand from playing too long in the sandbox, his skin was pink and Aomine could tell he's had a slight sunburn. "Uh-oh," Aomine said as he knelt in front of Tetsuya who was smiling up at him despite his sunburns.

"Akashi-cchi is going to kill us," Kise said, dread in his voice.

Tetsuya, not having a clue about the dread his babysitters had, looked around and spotted an ice cream cart nearby. He grabbed Aomine's fingers and tugged. "Mi-chan," he called and pointed at the ice cream cart.

"You want ice cream, Tetsu?" Aomine asked.

Tetsuya nodded and continued to tug on Aomine, making him follow the toddler to the ice cream cart.

"Ne, Aomine-cchi, is it alright for us to buy Tetsuya-cchi ice cream after he spends the whole day under the sun?" Kise asked worriedly.

"Of course," Aomine said, "Ice creams are natural at these times of the year,"

He buys a vanilla ice cream and handed it to Tetsuya who gleefully ate while he held Aomine's hand.

"Come on, buy yourself one and let's try and find shade," Aomine said as he scooped Tetsuya up in his arms and left Kise standing by the ice cream cart.

"Moo! Aomine-cchi! Wait up! Kise said then quickly bought himself an ice cream and ran after the two.

They sat under the shade of a big tree while Tetsuya finished his ice cream. The toddler, however, made a mess while finishing it-- Kise was glad it was vanilla flavor rather than chocolate because Tetsuya managed to get some on his shorts and shoes as well.

"Geez, Tetsu," Aomine said as Kise wiped Tetsuya clean. "You just licked that ice cream, how did you manage to get some on your shoes?"

Tetsuya cocked his head in confusion.

"Kids are a mystery," Kise said with a chuckle. "There, all clean,"

"What do you want to do next, Tetsu?" Aomine asked.

Tetsuya scanned the park and spotted a fountain where kids ran around and avoided to get wet from the water that shot from underground.

"Oh, that looks fun," Aomine said with a grin and stood up from his seat.

"W-wait, Aomine-cchi! You're not seriously going to let Tetsuya-cchi go there? What if he gets wet?" Kise asked.

"The mansion's a few miles from here, he won't get that cold easily," Aomine said, "Besides, you have a spare shirt packed, right?"

Kise hesitated. "Y-yes, but--"

"Come on," Aomine said, "I did this a hundred times as a child and it's more fun if you get wet. Come on, Tetsu!"

They spent the rest of their stay at the fountain with Aomine and Tetsuya playing and avoiding the water-- Tetsuya failed a few times after running towards the holes that were programmed to shoot in perfect timing. By the time they got home, Tetsuya was so exhausted and had dozed off in Aomine's arms.

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