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Tetsuya spent the rest of the week resting in the mansion as Takao advice them to not exert the toddler's energy too much to avoid him getting sick. Because of his weak appetite, Tetsuya was more prone to diseases and would find it hard to recover.

During those days, Akashi stayed at home and brought work with him to keep an eye on Tetsuya who still refused to talk or even spend time with him, resulting in Akashi finishing his work earlier than he expected.

Akashi sighed with relief as he finished the review of the last paper that was stacked at the side of his office table and stretched his sore arms. It was only him and Tetsuya at home since Aomine finally got his wish and had Kise on a week-long flight and won't be coming home until Saturday.

Stretching his legs, Akashi got up and walked around the mansion to look for his little brother to see him by the living room-- papers and crayons scattered along the floor while Tetsuya enjoyed his time drawing random circles and lines on scratch papers. He didn't notice Akashi got in and peered over his artwork and saw that a red stick figure holding hands with a smaller stick figure and was surrounded by green circles. 

Translating his sketch in his own understanding, Tetsuya was doodling about the stroll in the park he had with Kise and Aomine. Akashi felt his stomach drop when he remembered he had agreed to come with the three of them, only to slip through the doors and go to work when Tetsuya got distracted.

Akashi knew now why Tetsuya was so upset-- he had promised to go with Tetsuya that day but was unable to.

"Tetsuya," Akashi called gently, but the toddler was surprised that he flinched.

He looked up at Akashi before looking down again, ignoring his big brother. Akashi sighed silently and sat on the floor beside him, watching as his brother continued to doodle. "Tetsuya," Akashi tried again as he soothed his hands over Tetsuya's hair, relaxing on his soft locks. "I'm sorry if I was unable to go to the park with you,"

Tetsuya gave no sign that he was listening and kept doodling.

"Nii-chan had to go to work, because..." Akashi stopped at his tracks and realized he was using the same old excuse his father used to do whenever he was upset. He mentally shook his head, not wanting to fool Tetsuya the way his father fooled him. "I'm sorry,"

Akashi stood up to leave his brother be, but stopped when Tetsuya grabbed his pants-- stopping him from leaving.

"Nii-chan," Tetsuya said in a low voice, "Don't go,"

Gulping the lump in his throat, Akashi knelt down and scooped his brother who wrapped his tiny arms around Akashi's neck in a tight hug. "I'm sorry I couldn't spend time with you," Akashi said as he soothed Tetsuya's back and lightly rocked him.

"Don't go," Tetsuya repeated.

"I'm not going anywhere," Akashi said with a smile then ruffled Tetsuya's hair when they broke from the hug. "Tell you what, once Takao says you're okay to go out and play, Nii-chan will bring you to his work,"

Tetsuya cocked his head in confusion, the toddler hasn't seen his big brother's work nor did he had the slightest idea what his brother does other than stare and scribble on papers like he does when he doodles.

Akashi chuckled. "It's beautiful there," he said, "There are many fishes. You like fishes, don't you?"

Tetsuya broke into a smile and nodded.

"And there are many papers there for you to draw as well," Akashi said with a smile. "You can show them all to me. What do you say?"

Tetsuya smiled and nodded. "Nii-chan. Work,"

"That's right," Akashi said, "So you have to finish your meals and drink your medicine to get stronger so you can come with me at work and have fun,"

Later that night, Tetsuya kept his promise and finished his heapings and drank his medicine. Although he dislikes the tastes, he endured it all for the promise that he gets to spend more time with his big brother.

"Woah, Tetsu's starting to have an appetite," Aomine said as he looked at Tetsuya who had just finished his dinner clean.

"What did you told him, Aka-chin?" Murasakibara asked as he took a bite off his dinner.

"I promised to take him to work with me once he gets better and once Takao gives us a go signal to bring him outside again," Akashi said, "In return, he promised to be a good boy and finish his meals and drink his medicine,"

"That's kind of harsh," Aomine said.

"That reminds me," Akashi said, "Shintaro, any news?"

Midorima nodded. "I talked to Takao about it earlier and he said that kids his age normally start their education, but with Tetsuya's conditions he might have a hard time coping up with kids his age. However, he has been showing signs of recovery by interacting with peers of his age and to Takao, it was a sign that he might be ready for school,"

"You're sending Tetsu to school?" Aomine asked.

Akashi nodded as he stood up to get Tetsuya's medicine. "I've been meaning to send him for this upcoming school year, but I was still waiting for Takao's confirmation so I haven't announced it yet,"

"Don't you think Tetsu might be shocked in a sudden environment?" Aomine asked.

"Maybe," Akashi said, "But, I think Momoi can handle it. I'm sure she and Tetsuya will get along, and I can always count on her,"

Aomine smirked. "You got a point," he said, "But I'm sure she'll be heads-over-heels on Tetsu once she finally gets to see him. Do you know how many phone calls have I received from her asking about Tetsu these past few months?"

Akashi just smiled then scooped Tetsuya in his arms.

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