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Have never been to the beach and only imagined what it would feel like if I go for the first time (*^。^*)  This will be a first for me and Tetsuya so... yey us! (≧∇≦)/


Back at the balcony of their cottage, the beach looked nice and relaxing. But up close? It was a whole different level.

The waves crashed to the shore harshly while kids of all ages ran around, playing, while others built sand castles or collected seashells that had been buried under the sand. The noise and the amount of people was enough for Tetsuya to cling to Akashi as he carried his little brother to the beach, along with the other four male they were with.

"Wooooah!" Kise said excitedly as he looked around. "It's been so long since I last went to the beach to relax! Isn't this fun, Aomine-cchi? Ne! Aomine-cchi!"

The blue-haired police officer, as weird as it looked, had brought a pair of telescope and had been looking around the beach with it with a sly grin on his face.

"Oy! Aomine-cchi! That's wrong!" Kise said.

"Shut up!" Aomine said, "I'm here to relax like you, so mind your own— ack!"

A slap on the back of his head cut him off at what he was saying. But he didn't dare snap at the source of the impact and just looked up at it with surprise.

"Geez, Dai-chan, you're setting a bad example to the kid you're with," a female voice said.

She had bubble gum colored eyes and hair that was tied back in a ponytail. She wore a sky blue two-piece swim suit and had a kind smile.

"Momo-cchi!" Kise said as he tackled the female with a hug.

"Ooh, Mo-chin, you're here," Murasakibara said with his usual lazy tone as he munched on a bag of chips.

"Momoi," Midorima greeted plainly.

"Satsuki?! What are you doing here?" Aomine asked.

"Well, Akashi-kun invited me to tag along," she said.

Satsuki Momoi was their middle school's basketball team manager and Aomine's childhood friend. When they graduated from high school, she took up education and was now teaching as a kindergarten student.

"Also, I needed to keep an eye on you Dai-chan," Satsuki said with a wink.

Aomine clicked his tongue in annoyance. "I'm not a kid anymore, you know," he muttered.

Momoi smiled then looked past Aomine and her eyes sparkled. "Waah! Is it Tetsuya-kun?" She squealed as she ran up to Akashi to take a look at Tetsuya who clung to his brother like lifeline.

Akashi smiled. "Yes, this is Tetsuya," he said. "Tetsuya, say hello to Momoi,"

"Hello, Tetsu-kun!" Momoi said with a jolly smile. "I'm Satsuki Momoi, nice to meet you,"

Tetsuya looked up at her bashfully then went back to burying his face on his brother's neck.

"He's a little shy, isn't he?" Momoi said with a smile as she played with his hair.

"That's why I invited you along," Akashi said, "I knew he'd act like this when it comes to meeting new people so I wanted him to adjust to you first before he goes to summer school,"

"Ne, ne! Let's go for a swim already!" Kise whined.

Midorima snorted and sat down under the shade of a nearby palm tree silently. Murasakibara lazily followed Kise and went into the water while Aomine slipped through and started looking for girls around the beach.

"Tetsuya," Akashi said, "Let's go for a swim, shall we?"

Tetsuya looked up at him then at the beach before tightening his hug on Akashi's neck.

"Don't worry," Akashi said a smile. "Nii-chan won't let you go,"

Akashi was well aware that it was the first time Tetsuya visited the beach and had only in contact with water during bath times. He knew that Tetsuya was anxious and probably scared for seeing a huge amount of water with strangers enjoying themselves so he took slow steps for Tetsuya to enjoy.

Momoi ran off with Kise and have been rough housing with the blonde as they splashed water around while Akashi stayed at the beach where the water only reached his waist.

"Tetsuya, look," Akashi said, aware that the toddler has his eyes shut. "Look, we're already in the water,"

Tetsuya slowly opened his eyes and looked around him. He paled upon only seeing the blue crystal water around him, but Akashi reassured him by ruffling his hair with a smile.

"I told you, Nii-chan won't let you go,"

The assurance was enough for Tetsuya to losen his grip and for Akashi to dip his legs to the water. "See? It's not that scary, right?" He said.

Tetsuya reached down and smiled at the feel of the water on his arms and started splashing around with joy.

"Tetsuya-cchi!" Kise called with a wide grin as he, Momoi, and Murasakibara approached him.

Tetsuya smiled and continued to splash around while Akashi held him. His enthusiasm was a sign for Akashi to lower him further until the water reached Tetsuya's waist, making the toddler smile some more.

"Kawaaaii!" Momoi squealed.

Akashi raised Tetsuya from the water and moved forward until the water reaches his chest. Still nervous, Tetsuya clung to him tightly but he enjoyed the water.

Akashi smiled.

A while ago, Tetsuya had forgotten about him being upset towards Akashi and had pulled Akashi out of their room, excited to go to the beach and Akashi had smiled at his brother's enthusiasm towards the water.

How Akashi would do everything just to keep his little brother's smile.

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