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Akashi just had to go and pick the date where he was most unfortunate. He was expecting a meeting with a future business partner this weekend and had completely forgotten it when he scheduled their carnival trip, now he was torn between committing to work or enjoying the time with Tetsuya.

"How are you going to handle that?" Midorima asked when he saw how problematic Akashi looked. The last he was this flustered was when Tetsuya was admitted at the hospital.

"I've already sent Reo as my proxy," Akashi said, "I'm sure he can fill me in for the day and I've already told him to call me if things get out of hand, and--"

"And what?" Midorima said, "You'll drop everything and go to work?"

Akashi didn't answer.

Midorima sighed. "You should just go and proceed with your meeting, the other and I can come with--"

"I won't be able to stay focused knowing that Mayuzumi is spending time with Tetsuya," Akashi said then sighed. "How long until the results are released?"

"It will take a few days, DNA matching has delicate processes and they need to follow a procedure exactly as it says," Midorima said.

Akashi nodded.

"What happens..." Midorima asked, "After the result?"

Akashi took a moment to answer. "We'll have to cross that bridge once we get there," he said, "For now... all I want is to make Tetsuya happy,"

Akashi had agreed to take Ogiwara with them to the carnival under Tetsuya's request and had Momoi come along as well since she was the only one Ogiwara's mother knew. He had the same attitude as Aomine and had been picking continuous fights with the blue-haired police officer who was too immature to let a petty argument slide.

"Mooo! You're both too noisy!" Kise whined on the car ride to the carnival as he drove his car while Murasakibara and Midorima went with Akashi and Tetsuya in a separate car.

"Dai-chan, knock it off!" Momoi scolded Aomine who was having a wrestling match at the backseat of Kise's car with Ogiwara.

"He started it!" Aomine and Ogiwara said in unison.

"I don't care who started it," Momoi said then sighed. "Geez, I thought we only had two child companions, turns out there were four,"

Kise did the math. "Eh? But, Momo-cchi, It's just Aomine-cchi,"

Momoi looked at him, raising a brow, that Kise immediately caught. "Mooo! Momo-cchi's so mean!" he whined.

When they arrived at the carnival, they say Mayuzumi already there and waiting for them.

"So that's Mayuzumi?" Aomine asked as Ogiwara jumped from the car and ran to Tetsuya who had just got down from their own.

"Ne, Tetsuya! Let's go check the merry-go-round!" Ogiwara said as he grabbed Tetsuya and started darting through the crowded carnival.

"W-wait, Ogiwara-kun!" Momoi called and ran after both toddlers.

"That child is such a nuisance," Aomine said, flexing his knuckles. "Maybe I should give him a whack on the head or something,"

"Ne, Aomine-cchi! That's wrong," Kise said then hushed his tone. "Besides, I don't think Akashi-cchi would appreciate you displaying a bad manner with that Mayuzumi around. He might think we're hurting Tetsuya-cchi,"

"Huh? But Tetsu's an angel compared to that little devil," Aomine said.

"Still!" Kise said.

Aomine clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Fine," he grumbled. "But if Tetsu gets hurt because of him, I'll give him a piece of my mind,"

Akashi started to walk towards the carnival and tried to catch up with Momoi and the kids after finishing a call he received from Reo. Seeing this, Mayuzumi smirked. "You know, you could've just dropped Tetsuya here and go on with your meeting, rather than have your attention be split between watching over him and your little meeting,"

"For someone who has a reputation of being great when it comes to your field, you seem pretty uneducated when it comes to putting your nose in other people's business," Akashi said with a glare.

Mayuzumi smirked. "Hey, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation," he said, "That meeting looks important, though,"

Akashi ignored him and continued to walk until they found Momoi with the kids who were peering over a stall with stuffed animals and some pins on a shelf.

Tetsuya was craning his neck and looking over an Alaskan Malamute stuffed animal that had the same blue eyes as him. Unfortunately, Akashi was too busy sending a text to Reo that he didn't notice Tetsuya's silent pleas for him to get the stuffed animal.

"Say, Tetsuya," Mayuzumi said as he knelt in front of Tetsuya with a smile. "Would you like me to get you that dog?"

"Me too! Me too!" Ogiwara said, jumping up and down. "I want... I want that toy gun!"

Mayuzumi smiled at Ogiwara and ruffled his hair before turning to the owner of the stall and paying for the game. In the end, Mayuzumi was able to get the stuffed animal for Tetsuya and the toy gun for Ogiwara and both kids ran off with smiles on their faces for their newly acquired toys.

Akashi frowned as Tetsuya ran around, hugging the stuffed animal that came from Mayuzumi's efforts and he had to restrain himself from snatching the said stuffed animal and throw it in the trash bin.

They spent the day running around and trying different stalls and snacks that the carnival offered, they also went and tried different rides as well. But with Akashi's attention split between Tetsuya and work, he was unable to have the chance to enjoy it with Tetsuya who seems to be enjoying his time as Mayuzumi swoops down and keep him happy for the day while Akashi becomes busy with his phone.

"Ro-chan!" Tetsuya called and pointed at the Ferris wheel.

Mayuzumi smiled and nodded. "Let's go," he said.

"I want to come too!" Ogiwara said then grabbed Momoi's skirt and started pulling her to the line. "Momoi-sensei! Come with us, please?!"

"E-eh? Okay, Ogiwara-kun, but you don't have to pull my skirt," Momoi said with a smile as he held Ogiwara's hand.

Akashi's phone rang with Reo's caller id. "Reo," he said as he kept his distance from the others to reduce the noise. "What's the situation?"

"I'm sorry for calling you, Seijuro-sama," Reo said on the other line. "But, you're really needed at the office right away,"

"Can't that wait?" Akashi asked, glancing at Midorima who had gazed up at him curiously.

"I'm sorry, sir," Reo said, "But I've tried holding them back as much as I can, they wanted to see you,"

Akashi sighed then looked at Tetsuya. He was smiling up at Mayuzumi while the four of them lined up for their turn at the Ferris wheel. Tetsuya was already having fun with Mayuzumi anyway, so why will Akashi's absence impact his little brother is he's too happy to notice him gone?

"I'm on my way," he said and ended the call.

He took one last glance at Tetsuya before turning to exit the scene and go to work.

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