A Blur in The Wind

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Hiccup was having argument to Astrid about marriage and how he was not ready for it, but Astrid was getting mad and start hitting him with the back of her axe like she always does!

"Ow ow! It was funny the first few times when you did this but now it just hurts!" He yelped in pain.

"Why don't you want to marry me?!" Astrid yell angrily at him while threatening him with her big axe.

"I am just so young and have to explore more! I'm not ready for such a big commitment!" He defended himself while shielding his face with his hands.

"Ahhh! I don't want to look at you right now! Leave!" Astrid yelled.

"But this is my house!—" hiccup said confused.

"Get out!!!!!" Astrid yelled again ignoring hiccup.

Hiccup ran off scared and bumped into toothless who was waiting outside worried with stormfly.
"Ow, sorry bud! Time to fly I need some air.."

Toothless rumbled sympathetically and looked at stormfly apologetically for leaving.

They both shot up into the sky and toothless did barrel rolls to cheer up hiccup.

Toothless looked behind him to see if hiccup was feeling any better but he was just looking blankly ahead of him with a sad expression. Toothless frowned and grunted to get his attention.

Hiccup looked down from his daze and gave toothless a pat on neck, "Sorry bud.. not really in the mood for play.." He sulked.

Toothless mewed understanding and carried on flying straight forward.

Hiccup layed on his back on toothless and looked up at the clouds which were close because they were already high in sky.
He sighed and scratched his head in thought.

When suddenly, A flash of purple flew past up top of them! Hiccup did a double take at that and gasped, "toothless did you see that??" He asked quizzically.

Toothless looked at him with a face that said 'what was?! I saw I saw!'

"A purple dragon! And it's so fast! Let's go follow!" He said excited.

He repositioned himself to go faster and then zoomed towards the purple blur!

'Wow it's so fast I can barely see what it looks like!' Hiccup thought to himself as he tried to get better look.

"Hey can you go any faster bud? I need to get a closer look!" Hiccup said to toothless.

Toothless grunted happily and started to go faster.

'Wow I'm glad I have a mask because we go so fast and the wind would hurt my ear and my eyes!' Hiccup thought to himself

After a while they finally got closer, but not too close.

"Wow!" Hiccup said as he saw the dragon.

It had long wings and a tail that looked a bit like toothless!

'It can't be...' hiccup wondered in awe.

Omg! Hiccup thought as he realised,

"There's someone riding it!" Hiccup exclaimed loudly, causing the rider on the purple dragon to hear him and look back.

'Uh oh..!' Hiccup thought and the purple dragon sudden dropped down at rapid speed toward a bunch of rocky islands!

"Oh they may be fast but we're agile! Come on toothless I need to get closer to that dragon and maybe that rider too!"

Toothless roared as he dived down and into the islands, ducking and twisting past them like it was nothing.

The purple rider looked back again and leaned down to the dragons head, possibly saying something to it.

They started getting faster but not as fast as hiccup and toothless!

After a minute hiccup and toothless were in a clearing with no rocks and were now flying right next to the rider and purple dragon.

Both hiccup and toothless gasped at what they saw.

It was a night fury! But purple! And it had white speckles and was slightly larger than toothless with blue eyes with yellow around the pupils! It was like a galaxy nightfury! Starfury!
And the rider was, a cute girl?!?! The girl looked over at hiccup shocked that they had caught up with them. The lithe but muscular girl had a long black ponytail with a white stripe on her face, and she had purple pupils! Hiccup blushed at her beauty and when he was about to say something, the girl looked forward gasped and then looked back with wide worried eyes before quickly stopping her dragon. Hiccup looked confused and then looked at toothless who wasn't looking where he was going then they both looked ahead and they were both about to fly into a rock!!

They both screamed and tried to stop in time but still hit the rock and fell down onto a patch of land.

They both groaned in pain and clutched their heads becuase they hurt them. Hiccup took off his mask and felt to see if their were any wounds. His hand came back and there was blood on it!

Oh no!

Their was a cry from toothless and then Hiccup passed out!!

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