A glimpse of the past

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"How much time you got?" Hiccup said jokingly.

Raven sighed and rubbed her arm upset.

"Wellll... it all started when I was a child.. my village was migrating in boats, our village had been burnt down by dragons.. 

We entered a foggy patch and suddenly everyone was screaming. I was asleep at the time in the boat but I soon woke up when I heard people screaming outside. SO much screaming... I went outside and the boat was being attacked again by big dragons like zipplebacks and monstrous nightmares! Everyone was screaming and soon.. if they hadn't burnt down yet, the boats were starting to sink....

The water was so cold this time of year and people were yelling in pain as they fell overboard.. my father soon found me on the boat and took me to one of the emergency boats. He put me down and started loosening the ropes that attached it to large boat with teary eyes and he said... 'you are destined for greatness' and then he let me go.. I yelled for him to come back but the last i saw of him he was disappearing into the flames.

Everyone else perished as far as I am aware.." raven said trying not to cry.

Hiccup looked at her sympathetically while gently patting toothless.

"A-anyway.. after a couple days of drifting through the ocean.. the northern lights started showing. I looked up at them and made a wish to be saved, and suddenly I saw something purple gliding above me. I thought it was part of the lights, but I then saw two blue eyes staring down at me.

I was usually scared of dragons, but this time I was intrigued. Through my hungry and dehydrated haze I stood up to get a better look.

She started circling my boat and then flew down so she was eye level and looked at me with worried eyes. In that moment any fear i felt about dragons washed away. I knew she was there to help me. She lifted me up and put me on her back and flew to land. After that I've lived off of half chewed fish. She sort of took me under her wing like some kind of mother.." raven said and hugged Nebula, who in return purred.

"Did you ever think to find civilisations?" Hiccup asked

Raven frowned and shook her head. "No.. they would kill Nebula! I may like dragons now but I can't say the same for people"

Hiccup straightened himself up and walked over to raven,
"But they've all changed now! Ever since me and toothless killed the queen dragon and I lost my foot, people have been a lot nicer now to dragons! The dragons even live with us!
I can show you! And I can get you a proper home and some proper gear! I see you ride Nebula without saddle, I can make one for you! I'm handy!" Hiccup said as he motioned towards toothlesses kit.

Raven pondered, but shook her head again.
"No.. I'm sorry this is all moving too fast.. first you follow me and get hurt and I have use most of my bandages on you, and then you tell me to come see your village? I hardly even know you!"

"Then get to know me! Here, I have to get back to my village becuase I am chief but I will come back here, and I will tell you everything about me. And then maybe you can consider come to live with me? In the village? Everyone would be so happy to know that toothless isn't the only fury!!" Hiccup enquired.

Raven hummed in thought,

"Ok.. maybe.. but please, don't tell anyone about me. I don't want any other guests who want to try get Nebula.."

Hiccup smiled and nodded, "I won't tell a soul."

And then he flew off into the sky with toothless like a rocket, leaving raven and nebula to hug comforting each other on a big day.

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