Bryn? I dont know a Bryn

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"Of coursem yeah, um, follow me" Hiccup said and turned and hurried to the great hall. Hiccups mother was there with cloud jumper and looked at hiccup confused when she saw the big burly men following behind him. "These are Ragnor Wilder's men, mum" He smiled but his eyes were pleading for help. "Ragnor... oh! I've heard of you! Welcome to Berk." His mum smiled," please sit down i'll fetch you some lunch im sure you're all peckish" She smiled edging out of the room. "Yes I will help you mother!" Hiccup said loudly and followed her shutting the door. 

"What the bleeding skrill are they doing here?" Valka whispered.

Hiccup gulped and laughed nervously, "I dont know but we can't let them know Bryn is here" He said. 

"What? Why not?" She asked.

"She told me about her father he will not let her leave the island he sounds like a bad guy" He said.

"Right okay i'll go find Bryn and keep her hidden and you distract them" Valka said and ran off. 

Hiccup sighed and strsighten his posture before going back into the hall.

"Hey guys sorry for keeping you waiting" Hiccup said.

"Where is the food?" One of the vikings asked.

"What? Oh! It's cooking! yeah, wont be a moment!" hiccup said sweating because he totally forgot.

Hiccup looked over at Toothless and gave pleading eyes and toothless rolled his eyes and left to go get food. "anywho, you wanted to talk!" Hiccup said sitting on his chair at the end of the table.

"Yes," Ragnor said looking menacing.

Hiccup gulped but puffed out his chest, "Well?" He said.

"We know you have my daughter, Bryn." Ragnor said and Hiccup froze for a second and then put on a confused face.

"Sorry, who? I've never heard of a Bryn! What does she look like? Doesn't matter i've never met her!" He lied.

Ragnor could tell Hiccup was lying but didn't want to cause any conflict and nodded going along with it. "I see, well I was told my daughter hitched a ride with someone who matched your exact description." He said.

Hiccup rubbed the back of his head and laughed, "I just have one of those faces!" He smiled.

"We don't see many vikings with your... physique, or with a dragon as rare as a night fury..." He said and just then Toothless burst through the door and trodded over to the table looking clueless.

"Well maybe not in iceland but here.. ah.. there's nightfuries everywhere!" Hiccup chuckled and toothless looked at him confused. Hiccup glared at toothless and then sprung up, "Ah, the food! Toothless, you were suppose to get it??" He said confused since toothless wasnt holding any food. Toothless chirped and started regurgitating and hiccup sat back down face palming as toothless regurtitated a pile of fish out onto the table. 

"Thank you Toothless." Hiccup said sarcastically and the dragon laughed at him and walked away.

"You don't have to eat that" Hiccup said to his guests.

Ragnor stood up from his seat and Hiccup looked up at him worried, "If you do find wherever she is hiding, you will come to me, yes?" Ragnor asked.

"Yeah! Totally!" Hiccup smiled nodding his head and Ragnor and his men all made their way out.

Hiccup led them back to their ship and Ragnor took another look at Hiccup, "I'm not a bad guy, Hiccup. I'm not just doing this to be an overprotective father, its the people around her that should be afraid." Ragnor said.

Hiccup frowned, "Is that a threat?" he asked.

"no, son, it's a warning. Ask her what happens when the moon is full." Ragnor chuckled and stepped onto the boat and he sailed away leaving Hiccup to ponder on what he had said. 

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