diabolical love ♡ shinkami

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Trigger warnings: profanity, mentions of mental disorder, angst, graphic depictions of violence, mentions of self-harm, abuse, toxic relationship

Kaminari's POV

"Get away from me! Don't you know what's good for you?!" Hitoshi screamed, his furious voice echoing in the apartment. He fisted his curly hair, hands shaking with anger.

"You! I love you, and you'll never get rid of me! " I screamed back, dodging the beer bottle that he threw at me, the bottle missing my head by only a few centimeters. Shattered glass flew everywhere around me as the bottle came in contact with the wall behind me.

"You're out of your god damn mind! Are you a masochist or something? Do you get off on pain?" Hitoshi asked, getting up from the couch and marched angrily towards me. I greeted him with a loving smile and open arms, ready to embrace him but I was only met with his cold hand grabbing my throat. He pushed me against the wall, my head harshly slamming against it. I clawed his arms, trying to reach him but he was taller, bigger and stronger than me.

"Why don't you run? Why do you care for me so much?" he seethed in my ear, his grip getting tighter around my throat. I looked at his beautiful face through my lashes, tears slowly blurring my vision. I tried to answer him, but my voice was merely a hoarse whimper. As much as I loved getting attention from Hitoshi and feeling his skin against mine, oxygen wasn't reaching my lungs anymore, and my vision started fading out, the familiar black dots appearing everywhere. I was about to lose consciousness, and my body started going limp, my legs giving out.

"Stop. Trying. To. Make. Me. Love. You." I heard Hitoshi growl in my ear, the sound muffled and far away. Before I knew it, he dropped me on the floor. Choking, I tried to gasp for air. I felt as if his fingers were still wrapped around my throat, and I touched the skin on my neck, immediately wincing from the pain. His grip was sure to leave marks of love.

"Never." I choked out, my voice a quiet whisper. I got on my knees, my arms trembling. "You're the only one I need, the only one I want, the onl-" my voice got cut off my a harsh kick in the ribs.

"How many times do I have to push you away and hurt you, for you to realize that I'm no good for you? Stop getting inside my head! " Hitoshi's desperate voice came from above me, and I clutched my side in pain, tears brimming in my eyes. I looked up at Hitoshi, he was pacing back and forth and pulling at his hair.

"He's gonna leave- stop, stop- I know! Fuck, you've told me before- he's gonna leave, he's gonna leave. What will you do then? I can't.. I can't! " I watched as he mindlessly clawed at the self-harm scars carved on his wrists, he was in a wretched state of mind. It tore me apart seeing him like this, so miserable. The voices never seemed to quiet down, and he fought against them with all he had. Hitoshi was drained, I knew that, and that's why I need to stay.

"Leave, Kaminari," Hitoshi demanded, but it came off more like a plea. He looked at me, and I shook my head. He stared at me with anger and sadness welling in his eyes. He felt pity for me, I knew it. I've never left his side, no matter how much he hurt me and no matter how many times he tried to make me leave him.

"Do you love me?" Hitoshi suddenly asked, and I knew he was trying to resort to his quirk. I kept my mouth shut, only nodding furiously. The anger in his eyes was evident. With shaky legs, I crawled towards him, grabbing onto his ankle. He crouched down, and grabbed my hair, forcing me to look up at him with my teary eyes. His eyes seemed to soften for a moment, but then he spoke, his cold words sinking into my heart.

"Okay. I'm going to make you hate me then. Remember, you brought this on yourself," Hitoshi said, before he pulled me up from my wrist, dragging me towards his bedroom. He pushed me on the bed that was all too familiar, and a small yelp escaped my lips as I was flipped on my stomach. He twisted my right hand behind my back, and I winced from pain as he held me at place.

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