never leave me ♡ todobaku

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Todoroki's POV

Todoroki: You made a bet? A fucking bet? So it was all fake? That's fucking cruel, even for you. I really am disappointed.

Bakugo: Let me tell you the whole story before you make any irrational decisions. Just answer my call.

I shook my head, my hands visibly shaking with anger and betrayal. How could one be so heartless and play with people like that? And how could I be so oblivious and stupid? I was just a pawn in his little game of fake love.

Todoroki: We're done. You're dead to me, Bakugo.

I sent the text without any hesitation and blocked his number. My eyes stung from the tears that threatened to escape, and I rubbed my hands over my tired face. Crying over Bakugo was the last thing I would let myself do.

Taking a deep breath, I got up from my bed and walked over to my closet, finding my jogging pants. I changed into a baggy hoodie and put on my running shoes. Instead of going for a smoke like I always did when an inconvenience happened in my life, I decided to go for a nice run. It would be a much healthier way to cope with this, and it wouldn't make me feel guilty afterward.

I ran until I thought my legs were gonna give out, my lungs burning like hell. Sweat was dripping down my forehead and the back of my hoodie was drenched. Weakly, I walked up the flight of stairs and with trembling hands, I opened the door to my apartment. I collapsed on the ground, sobbing on my knees. It all came crashing down, I simply wasn't strong enough to keep myself together. I squeezed my eyes shut, holding my hand over my heart which I wasn't sure I was gonna be able to fix. Was I not worthy of love?

Weeks passed, and my attempt at trying to fix myself, and finding strangers to fill the void in my heart seemed to not work. Bakugo tried to contact me countless times, on Facebook, on Instagram, on Twitter, he even tried to message me on Skype. After every block I sent his way he became even more desperate and started to show up on my door, begging for me to talk to him. Just hearing his muffled voice through the door sent heart-wrenching pain through my body, and anger boiled in my blood. It took every ounce of my willpower to not to open the door and lash out in the hallway. I wanted to fight, cry and run to his arms all at the same time.

All the progress I had made went to waste on the 29th day of January. I was almost able to forget him and I was already moving on, but it seemed that God had other plans for me.

I walked to the familiar coffee shop I visited every week, the sweet smell of vanilla and coffee engulfing me as I stepped in. There weren't that many customers at the moment, fortunately, and I made my way to the queue. When my turn to order came, I asked for a simple iced coffee, like I always did. I was the type of person who didn't like change, everything had to stay the same. Familiarity brought me comfort.

After paying for my coffee I sat down on one of the nearest free chairs to wait for my name to be called. I watched as the baristas worked quickly, trying to serve the impatient customers. I felt bad for them, they had to endure the rude coffee addicts every day, so I always was patient with my order and treated the baristas with kindness. I scoffed internally at the man who snapped at the young girl who was struggling with getting his name right. I turned my head to look out of the clear window, watching the snowflakes fall down slowly, almost romantically. The streets were covered in the white dream, my favorite time of the year had arrived. People tried to protect themselves from the cold with fluffy hats and scarfs, their noses and cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink. I watched a couple walk past the big window, holding each other's hands. I felt a sting of jealousy and pain in my heart.

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