Chapter one:Night before heading to Hawaii

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"Unnie! Come on!Stop playing your stupid phone games!Time to pack our luggage!!!"Yelled from Lisa to Jisoo. "YA! LALISA! Playing games is my right! You can't say that's stupid!" Said from Jisoo. "Fine! Ms.Kim, do you mind to start packing your luggage?" Lisa asked in a humours way. "Ugh okay!!!" Jisoo complains. Meanwhile, Jennie and her wifey Rośe were done with their bags already. Jennie looks tired and she slept so early which is super unusual. *knocking* "Hey is Jennie okay?" Rośe asked. "Huh? What happened?" Lisa replied. "She slept already but now is just nine o'clock!" "What??? Is she sad or something?" All three of them were quite worried. "Should we go check on her?" Wifey asked again. "Nah probably she's just tired, she's fine." Jisoo replied. "Alright then, WHO WANTS FOODIES?" Rosie asked excitedly. "Me!Me!!!" Lisoo yelled tgt. After a full meal, they went to sleep as they have to leave early in the morning.

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