Chapter two: OH NO!

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*The Next Day*
"Wake up!!! It's 8am already guys! Eat your breakfast and go wash yourself!" Jisoo yelled. "Coming!!" Rosie and Lisa rushes to the table and eat their breakfast. "Where's jenduk?" Jisoo asked. *Nobody is paying attention to jisoo as they're only focusing on their food*
Then Jisoo walked to Jennie's room. "Hey babe, wake up! We have to leave soon." Jisoo said in a soft way. But there's no reply. Then she went near her bed and sat beside. Jisoo felt strange as she's not replying and suddenly Jennie slowly gets up and said "unnie I feel sick..". "What? What happened!!!" "My stomach hurts so bad and I feel dizzy.."Jennie said in a sickly voice. Jisoo slightly wisps off Jennie's sweaty hair aside and feel her forehead. "Oh god, I think you're having a fever!" "I don't know what to do now unnie!" Jennie said. "Oh no should we cancel the trip today?" "No!! Hawaii is my dream place!!! I can join.." Jennie said. "Don't force yourself, is okay if you really can't." jisoo said. "Nah I'm still fine , I'll try" Jennie said. "Aww baby I feel sad for u..ok let's prepare!" Then jisoo went outside and told the gurls "okay bad news! so Jennie is sick right now and she's having a fever. But Hawaii trip must go on, so we should pay attention on her.." jisoo said. "Oh no! That's why she's that tired yesterday." Rosie replied. "You sure that she can still go?" Lisa asked. "She said she can which we should trust her... oh god! is 8:45 already!! Let's go!!!!!" Jisoo yelled. "I'll settle her in the car first, u guys can come afterwards." Jisoo said as a mom. "Ok"
Everything was going quite smoothly until they're on the plane. Jisoo was next to Jennie and looking after her. Jennie looks so pale and tiredly slept on jisoo's shoulder. *jisoo rubbing Jennie's tummy* "Is your stomach, isn't it?" Jisoo asked. *jennie knocks* "Poor girl.." "Just tell me immediately if you feel like you're going to vomit okay?" "Ok.." Soon, Jennie fell asleep.  And then 10 minutes later, a sluggish burp drags up the sleeping girl's throat. Poor thing must be dealing with some serious stomach bugs. "Alright relax.. don't force yourself." Jisoo said as she noticed that Jennie felt nauseous. But it was still fine as she's controlling herself. After 5 hours, they finally arrived and everything was under control. "Unnie are u okay?" Lisa asked Jennie. "Not really but I'm still fine.." Jennie replied. *lisa gave Jennie a big hug* "everything will be fine, unnie!" *jennie gives out a small smile* It was alright at night in Hawaii which first day will be spending in their hotel. "Glad there's time for Jennie to rest!" Rosie the wifey said. Jennie walked to Rosie and wanted some hugs. "Aww poor girl, you'll be fine :) " Rosie said while feeling Jennie's temperature again. They were having dinner in the hotel and Jennie can't even have a bite of food. "Come on Jennie ah, can you have a bite for me? Food will give you energy!" Jisoo said. "I can't! I feel like I'll hurl after this bite !" She replies. "Girl, is okay to throw up, I know it sucks as I've such bad memories too. But if you wanna recover as soon as possible, u will feel better after getting your system cleaned." "No I'm not going to throw up!!!" Other three of them are just looking to each other "Okay then just eat when you're hungry okay?" Her wifey said to her. "Okie.."

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