Chapter 4: jensoo special

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The next morning.
Jennie woke up feeling a bit better but she's still having a fever. "Zips only!" Jisoo gave her a cup of water and said. "Alright I'm gonna call Irene onni to see her situation." Rosie said.
"Yobusaeyo?(who is this?)" A girl replied the call. "Hello are you irene unnie?" I'm rosie!" Rosie said. "ahh Rosie unnie!!!!No I'm yeri. Our Irene unnie is sick right now so I helped her to pick up the phone" yeri replied. "OMG what symptoms does she had right now? Cuz our Jennie got sick too right after their date!" Rosie said worriedly. "Unnie vomited a few times yesterday night and freaked us out! Then we realise that she had a high fever. Until today I think she had puked for 4 times and now she still had a fever. Do you think is food poisoning Rosie onni?" Yeri asked. "Yes that's what I'm thinking. Cuz we're in Hawaii right now and Jennie had been throwing up the whole night with terrible stomach pain and fever. So just wanna check whether Irene unnie has the same situation... Please take good care of her and keep in contact! Bye yeri ssi!" Rosie replied. "Sure we will! Byebye Rosie unnie!" Yeri said. "Alright so we're now quite sure that you two got a food poisoning as Irene unnie was also throwing up like shit yesterday." Rosie explain. "Oh no poor girls:(" Jisoo and Lisa said at the same time. "Baby so you should really get some rest today okay? Stay at home." Jisoo said. "Nooooㅠㅠ I'm going..(gagged) with you guys!!!" Jennie complained and yelled like a 4 years old. "Uhuh! You see! U nearly threw up again just now! Listen to us for one time okay?" Rosie said worriedly. *Jennie looked like a lil puppy hoping them can stay with her* "YA! Aright! I'll be here and stay with you ok? I'm not going out and play today which I'll be next to you for the rest of the day." Jisoo pretend to be angry and said. "How about us then?" Lisa asked. "We can stay too" Lisa explained. "Nah you two can have a special date episode!" Jisoo replied! "I can take care of her" Jisoo said. "Um.. really?" Rosie asked. "Yes! I dun really enjoy shopping tho so you guys can go and shop as much as u wantㅋㅋ" jisoo said. "Awww unnie.." Lisa said. "But how can we tell our manager?" Rosie asked. "Just tell her that Jennie is A BIT sick so she wanna rest for a day.." Jisoo suggested. "Smart!" Lisa said. "Go pack you bags now then!" Jisoo yelled to Rosie and Lisa. "Aww onni I laf you~" Jennie said with aegyo and kiss on jisoo's face. "Ewww jenduk don't kiss me after u puke!" Jisoo pretend to be angry at her. "I might barf on you next time!" Jennie being a naughty gurl. "Ewww no!" Jisoo nearly throw up tooㅋㅋ.
After that two girls went out for a date in Hawaii. So do the 2J's enjoying their warm moments. "Jenduk! You want to watch a movie with me?" Jisoo asked softly. "Yea!" She replied. "Ok you go pick a movie and I'll grab a blanket" Jenduk is literally a spoiled princess whenever she's sick. "I want to watch this unnie!" Jenduk chose a cartoon. "Alright depends on what you like" Jisoo seems unwilling to watch that but she knew that she should let Jenduk choose her fav right now. "Do you want some food?" Jisoo asked. "Uhuh" Jenduk shakes her head and said. "Seriously you haven't intake anything for a long time!" Jisoo said. "I'm going to throw up if I eat anything !!" Jenduk said. "But this ain't healthy you know? I'll bring you a bucket to prepare okay?" Jisoo explained. "Alright only a bit!!!" Jenduk said unpleasantly. "You want ice cream?" Jisoo wanted to make her happy. "Yes yes yes plssss!!!" Jenduk became a kid again. "Here u go" Jisoo gave her. "Gosh baby you're still so feverish. Are you hot?" Jisoo asked worriedly. "No but I'm cold." Jenduk replied. *jisoo wrapping Jenduk by blanket like a sushi roll* BUT SHE IS STILL LETTING HER TO EAT ICE CREAM. SHE WILL BE SUCH A TERRIBLE PARENT IN THE FUTUREㅋㅋ.
In the next few hours, they both watch some movies together and Jenduk lied on Jisoo's lap for a long time. Although she still had fever and vomited a few times in the bucket during movie time, she feel better afterward. When Lisa and Rosie came back, four of them went out for dinner and Jenduk finally ate something. She was totally fine the day after, so all of them had continued their schedule in Hawaii and their relationship is getting better and better after this incident.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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