Chapter three: terrible night

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The moment they stepped to their hotel room, Jennie was laying on the couch already and complaining her stomach. "Are you hungry now?" "Still no" "how about your favourite avocados sandwich?" "Nah.. I'm fine." "Alright, then I'll go for a bath first" Rosie said. Jisoo was watching tv with Jennie . "Baby can u have a zip of water for me? You look dry." Jisoo said. "I can't drin-klp," a sharp hiccup robs her of her speech, leaving her with a sour grimace.
"Oh poor thing," Eventually, Jisoo try to make jenduk to sit up, hooking her hands under Jenduk's arms to hoist her up. "Alright, up! I think you should try to get it out of your system " she grunts, getting jenduk to sit upright at the edge of the couch. "No~ I'm scared ! And I'm fine! I don't have to puke." Although Jennie said no, her stomach will soon betrayed her. Jisoo was rubbing her back and tried to make her feel better, but all of a sudden. Without much warning, Jennie stands up then cover her mouth by her smol hand and rushing to the trash can with a juicy burp . A mouthful of chunky thick liquid burst out from her mouth ! "Oh crap, okay-okay-okay-alright-crap, it's okay,you see! Is out!no worries" Jisoo manages, pushing Jenduk forward to get her over the trash can. "Unnie.. I.." Jennie can't even finish her words and the second violence wave comes up again like waterfalls then pour into the trash . Jisoo was holding jennie's hair and grabbing the trash can at the same time then yelled "Rosie ah! Are u done with your bath?? Jennie is puking right now! She needs the toilet!!!" "Oh god okay I'm coming out now." "Jennie ah you're fine, is okay to throw up ! Don't be worry okay! Let's bring u to the toilet and clean u up." jisoo is comforting her. "Unnie I so scared! I don't wanna throw up anymore😭" Jennie said as she's still under shock becoz of that sudden vomit. "Baby I know! Everyone hates throwing up but your body is fighting the germs in ur belly which u have to get them out.." jisoo explained. *rosie rushed out after the bath* "oh god are u okay hubby??! Where did u puke??" Rosie asked worriedly. "I make it to the trash can.."jenduk replies. "Good job my gurl. Come on, go to the bathroom." Rosie said to her hubby. Then Rosie brought her to the bathroom. "Alright , brush your teeth and gurgles then spit in out.." Rosie taught her. "My stomach squeezes againㅠㅠ" Jennie complains. "Aww poor thing, do u want me to get jisoo to accompany ya and I'll go ask for medication?" "But I don't want other people to know I'm sick , or else they will bend me from the trip!" Jennie nearly cried. "Alright then I'll sneak out to the pharmacy to find the med ok? And I'll get Unnie to stay with u." Rosie being a good wifey. Then Rosie went down and found a pharmacy. "Excuse me, do you have medicine to cure vomiting and fever?" "I'm sorry but we've only got cooling packs but no medications.." "um.. alright then I wanna have a box of it , thanks" then she rush back to their room. "Oops! They have no medicine and they've got cooling packs only.." Rosie said to them. "Oh then let's wait till tmr and see how's it going." Jisoo said and gentlely stick the cool pack on jenduk's forehead. "Okay go to bed and have a good sleep poor thing. You'll be fine tmr!" Rosie said. "But can u guys sleep with me🥺?" Jennie asked with aegyo. "sure my baby!" "LALISA! Where are u!" Jisoo yelled. Then she broke in to her room and saw her listening to Billie Eilish loudly and dancing around. "LALISA! Hey when everyone is so worried about Jennie and you're being that excited?" Jisoo yelled. "What's the matter? I thought she was resting outside?" "Gosh you didn't hear her throwing up just now?" "Oh god I really don't know and I'm going to give her a hug now.." *lisa rushing to jennie* "onni mianae(sorry) I don't know you're sick! How are u doing now? Feelin better? Do u want a huggie?" Lisa asked softly. "I still feel terrible so I want a hug🥺" Jennie replied. *Lisa hugging Jennie so tightly* "here u go my gurl!"Lisa said. "Alright should we cuddle together tonight so we can take care this lil
poor thing?" Rosie asked. "Sure"
After bath and wash they all went to bed. "Are u okay, Jennie ah?" Lisa asked as she saw Jennie situation seems to be worsen. "My belly hurts so badㅠand I feel nauseous again.."Jennie sickly said. "Do u needa go to the bathroom?" Rosie asked. "Mm" Jennie said. "Uggggrrerh!" She threw up twice in a row but there's only water and gut juice coming up "You cleaned your system already! No worries you'll be fine my gurl " Rosie said "Alright you feelin better? " Jisoo asked. "Yah a bit" Jennie replied. "okay then let's go to sleep" Lisa said. *after a while jennie fall asleep already* "aw look at this cutie pie, having a cool pack on her forehead, pinky red cheeks, sweaty hair . She looks like a lil girl who's sick." Jisoo said. "Yah she's so cute at this secondㅋㅋ"Lisa said savagely. "Ok guys let's sleep.. shhhh beside her!" Jisoo whispered. "Good night:)" rosie said......At midnight,Jennie woke up feeling so bloated and still nauseous which she tried to sit up straight to make herself feel better. Clearly, it's not working so she woke Jisoo up and said "Unnie! I feel so bloated and my tummy hurts so badㅠㅠ" Jennie whispered. "Do you want some warm water or milk?" "Ok.. milk pls" "ok wait me a second" Seriously why would Jisoo gave her milkkk?!?!probably becoz she's too sleepy and she forgot people shouldn't drink milk after vomit "Here you go jenduk, drink slowly okay?" "Mm" holding the cup and drinking it zip by zip. *jennie yawning* "aw baby, can you try to sleep again after your milk ? You're so tired." Jisoo asked quietly as she don't want to disturb rośe and Lisa. "Can I sleep with you unnie? I want you to hug me as I'm scared.." Jennie whispered with aegyo. "Ok my lil gurl!" After a minute, "unnie! I'm finished!" "Alright lemme adjust your pillow and lay down after ok?" "Thank you unnie:)"
"Okay do you feel better?" "Yup a bit" "ok then let's sleep again, wake me up if you want anything ok?" "Ok good night!" Jennie whispered. After a while, Jisoo woke up as she heard Jennie retching sickly. "Hey baby are you ok?? Come on sit up and take big breath!" Jisoo said worriedly. *Jennie breathing hardly and gagged* "alright go to the toilet!!" Jisoo said like a mom with her sick kid. *Jennie covers her mouth and ran to the toilet* "Urreggghh *gaging*" A thick splash of milky liquid had already exploded out violently on the toilet floor and the toilet bowl! This terrible projectile vomiting nearly suffocated her "Ohh shit! Alright is okay just try to get it in the bowl baby! Nevermind We'll clean later." Jisoo said while tapping her back. Rosie and Lisa woke up after hearing bunch of sounds. "Oh lorddd wtf just happened!!" Lisa yelled while Jennie was still up chunking non-stop like she's neither gaging or puking in that moment . She can't even control where she puked, she looked so innocent and like a helpless sick kid threw up at midnight . Rosie grab a bag and settle Jennie on a side to puke. "This baby is really sick!" Rosie said. "Uuugggh~" Jennie can't stop barfing into the bag and it's half filled . *jisoo went to tie her hair up* "Okok. I know how it feels gurl. I even experience more than that before. I think is over, there's no more to puke and to worry for ok? Don't worry, is over!" Jisoo comforting her. *Lisa wiping Jennie's mouth and nose* "oh lord, it even came out from your nose baby!!" Lisa said. *Jennie goes silent and burst into tears suddenly* "oh why euljimah!(don't cry)" Rosie asked. "I'm so sickㅠ .. I.. don't wanna p..uke any more😭😭😭" Jennie said while crying loudly. "Awwww baby! It feels so bad isn't it. So sorry that we can't even help.. Let's go to the doctor tmr okay?" Jisoo hugged her and said. "Jennie yah. You see ! Is all out! Nothing to worry about anymore:)" Lisa said while massaging her stomach. " Baby lets go back to bed with Rosie and Lisa first and I'll be here to clean the mess" Jisoo said. *rosie grab the bag and grab jenduk at the same time* "wow can you do it Jisoo unnie??" Lisa asked. "I'm Jisoo I'm ok! What's the problem, is just vomit. I even clean yours before lol!" Jisoo said. Our jichu is a kind gurl. After cleaning those mess, Jisoo went back to room and continued to take care that sickly girl. "Baby what did you eat before this happens? Or did anyone passed this flu to you?" Jisoo asked. "That day me and irene unnie went to XX seafood restaurant...and we ate lots of it." Jennie replied weakly. "So have you asked irene unnie that is she sick too??Probably this's the reason!!" Jisoo said. "I didn't..." Jennie replied "Ok I'll go ask for you tmr.. if she has the same symptoms, you both got food poisoning BUT if she doesn't, probably you just caught a stomach flu." Rosie said. "Alright go back to sleep ok? I'll put that bucket next to you so just spew it in if you needed." Jisoo said. "Good night babiesss!!" Lisa said.

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