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"You're not even straight, Namjoon-ah."


"What does that even mean?"

"I mean like- I've never been disgusted by the idea of dating a guy or anything, but I've never actually dated one.. anyone would assume they're just an open minded straight guy?" Namjoon explained sheepishly, lowering his head as he smiled slightly, and scratched the back of his neck. He was sitting in front of Yoongi at that same Café, now the two were having a conversation.

"Can't realte. I like dick." Yoongi blurted out, and Namjoon lifted his head, falling silent.

"Did I say that out loud?" Yoongi asked after a moment.

Namjoon was quick to laugh, he had never seen this side of Yoongi before, and he found it extremely funny and cool. Yoongi was so embarrassed, he hid his face behind his hands and tried brushing the embarrassement off by laughing.

"Sorry, man.. it just slipped." Yoongi mumbled, now looking down and scratching the back of his ears. "Nah, it's cool, I bet dicks taste better." Namjoon said, still laughing, and Yoongi started laughing again.

"......So what did you come here for? You wanted to tell me something?" Yoongi asked after a small silence. "Oh yeah..." Namjoon said, sitting straight. "The other day, I walked past Jimin-ssi's house, and while walking, I heard some loud music coming from inside the house, and I assumed it was rap?" Namjoon explained. "Not sure if I heard it right, but I think it was.. your voice...?" He kind of asked, tilting his head a little.

Yoongi chuckled lightly. "Yeah, it was me. I've started rapping recently.." He said in a shy, yet deep voice. Namjoon looked glad, and his eyes lit up. "Are you for real??" He exclaimed, Yoongi was alittle taken aback. "..Yeah, for real, why? You wanna preorder an album or something?" He said jokingly.

"No it's like, I rap too! And I write lyrics and make beats as well, I even have a studio back in Seoul!" Namjoon said, and Yoongi's eyes widened. "Really? I-I got a studio in Jimin's house as well, and I write lyrics and make beats too, I even made a whole song already." He said, looking excited and happy.

"Oh my god me too!!" Namjoon almost yelled back, they both had huge smiles on their lips.

"Are you thinking about what I'm thinking?" Namjoon asked.

"Are you thinking about what I'm thinking??" Yoongi asked back.

"We should work together!!" They both yelled at the same time, and then laughed when they realized what happened. "How come we've never had this talk before?" Namjoon said, wondering. "Yeah, we could've started back in the days, when we were younger...not like we're 30 or something but still." Yoongi replied, and they both chuckled.

"Okay so, I'll leave for Seoul next week, would you like to come with me? You could bring your materials and all the work you've done so far, and we will discuss things in my studio there." Namjoon suggested, Yoongi took a moment to think. That could be a good opportunity, Namjoon has money and he's a quiet good person (if we forget about what happened the other day, but that's another matter), working with him could make the both of them famous and Yoongi could finally start a proper career. Plus, the address Jin handed him earlier was in Seoul..

"Yeah count me in. Let's do that, let's work together." Yoongi said, nodding, and Namjoon nodded back with a smile. "Alright then, it's settled. I hope we'll make a great duo together." He said, and Yoongi hummed.

The conversation was over, but Namjoon didn't leave. "Ya have anything else to ask?" Yoongi asked, Namjoon let out a nervous chuckle. "A-Actually, I do.." He said hesitantly.

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