In Memory

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Aziraphale's POV

I watch the demon drag the other one away. I know this is wrong, but I dare not go against Gabriel's methods. Besides, I think there is more to that demon than I know. How does he know me? Why does he know me?
I am an angel, he is a demon -get behind me foul fiend.
-Where did that come from?! I-I've never said that before. So why did my mind come up with it, and why does it feel like...a memory?

Gabriel claps his hands together and I snap out of my thoughts. "Aziraphale! I have a duty for you."

"Oh-of course."

Crowley's POV

The cell door slams behind me and for the first time in ages I stay quiet. I have nothing worthy to say. Nothing will bring me to Aziraphale. What's the point? No point. There is no point. And there is nothing I can do. Beelzebub leaves without saying a thing either. Good. Would probably just make it worse.

I still can't get over how Gabriel treats Aziraphale. Angels are meant to be kind and forgiving entities, but Gabriel could easily fit into the legions of Hell.
Just because Aziraphale was trying to save humanity and didn't do what Gabriel wanted, doesn't mean he should be treated like dirt mixed with stale holy water and hell-hound shit.
Even Beelzebub was kinder by giving 'me' a trial. Yes, it was an unfair trial, but still a trial. 'Aziraphale' got nothing. He was ordered to walk into his death.
I'm just glad he found that prophecy. I don't think either of us would have survived and discovered that we've been in love all this time. But that's how prophecies work. Maybe we were made to fall in love.
And apperently break apart over and over again.

A figure emerges tentaviley, holding his arms across his chest. My face brightens up "Aziraphale!"

"Shh...keep-keep it down." He hushes.


"Sorry? You're a demon. Demons aren't polite."

"Apparently this one is. Especially to you."

"But who are you? How could you possibly know me?"

"Come on, there must be some memory of me in that intelligent brain of yours."

"Intelligent?" He blushes, then his face drops. "No, no. Don't try to make me fond of you. I can't go fraternizing with the enemy."

"Fraternizing...You're a genius! You truly are! Of course!"

"I-I am?"

"Yes! I just have to, erm, jog your memories of us."

He steps away from me. "Us? What are you talking about? Oh, I knew this was a bad idea!"

"No!" I launch forward. "Don't go. Please. You can't leave. There's nowhere to go...Remember?"

His irises seem to spark for a second.
"What...what just happened?" He asks.

"You're remembering!"

I pace my cage. What else. What else can I say?
"Let's go from the start and work our way to the present. Erm, Aziraphale, didn't you have a flaming sword?"

"A what?"

"A flaming sword. It was flaming like anything, what happened to it?"

"I-" His mouth curls into a small smile.
"I gave it away. I remember! I gave it away!"

"Yes!" I jump in the air, then run up and grasp the bars. "Do you remember me now?"

Aziraphale's smile fades. "No."

"That's ok, that's ok. Erm..."

Aziraphale's POV

Minutes go by of this demon quoting a past, my past, that has somehow been forgotten. But I still can't remember him. He chuckles, then says, "Oh Lord, heal this bike." in a mocking voice.

Visions of a black car appears. A Bentley, I think-His, maybe? -And a bicycle and a young woman with an accent and glasses. 'I got carried away.' I repeat this thought out loud and the demon grins. Not in a malicious way at all, more...warm. Which is strange for someone of his kind.

More minutes go by, and I'm surprised at myself. I haven't ran from him. I'm not even scared.
The demon now tells me about how Heaven kidnapped him and forced him to kill himself.
"Well, what did you do? Surely you deserved it."

"That's not the point." He answers softly. "It's what you did. They thought I was you."


"You found a prophecy that said 'choose your faces wisely'. We decided to swap bodies and soon enough, Heaven and Hell tried to kill us, but we survived because we were each other, and Holy Water doesn't affect angels, and infernal fire doesn't affect demons."

I stumble over my own feet.

"Now I know it's a lot to take in-" The demon starts.

"You-you're placing forged memories in my head! You must be! Heaven-He-Gabriel would never-"

"Aziraphale, please keep it down!"

"Stop! Please stop!" I fluster. "I-I don't even know you!"

"You do!"

A million thoughts and memories rush around at once. What did he do?! "No! Stop! Gabriel!" I yell. "Gabriel! Hel-"

The demon pulls my collar and presses me to the silver bars-towards him and into his lips. I try and struggle from his grip, but suddenly everything fits into place. My memories all settle together. They're real. And this demon-I love him. I melt under the embrace, knowing for definite who he is.
"Crowley." I breathe. We open our eyes and Crowley faces me with a smile that is impossible to get any wider. He looks as if he could cry with happiness.
I mean that much to him.

It worked!" I exclaim. "I remember!"

"Yes!" He kisses me strongly on the cheek and I can sense my face going bright red.

"Everything's back to normal!"

His face drops. "Not yet. We still have the big one. All of Heaven and Hell against the two of us."

I miracle the bars away and hold Crowley's hand. "Thank you."

"Pleasure." He bows, smiling. "Come on, I have an idea."

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