Chapter One

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And so my cousin picked me up at six, as promised. I'll just call her 'cousin' throughout the whole story, and you better get used to it. She doesn't even deserve a name, but I guess a brief description wouldn't hurt. 

Cousin has a taut physique, and a very long face. She's so incredibly tall. Try imagining her as tall as a  giraffe. (Well, at least to me, she seems to be, since I'm the size of a dwarf) She's a very stupid brunette. Done.

Personality? I can only describe her with one word: Annoying.

We were going to watch some weird movie involving a clique and an obvious victim.

"Jergoli, come and meet my totally awesome B-F-Fs!" Cousin said. She grabbed her phone, and started texting some weird guy I probably didn't know.

"Okay" I said, and walked towards where her 'BFFs' were standing. Their conversation was pure nonsense. 

"Omigod look at her clothes!"

"Did you buy Sephora's new lipstick? It's so fetch."

"Her chicken legs are so fugly."

One of them looked at me with a disgusted face, and whispered, "Look at Jergoli, she looks like a living potato." Ugh. It already started! I still need to get used to these kind of comments.


I didn't even understand the last one.

I greeted everyone with the fakest smile I could manage, and after I finished, I asked Cousin if I could just get inside the theater. She mumbled "Fine" and gave me a hard look. I thanked her and got out of there as fast as I could. 

I noticed her looking at me with a sad expression on her face. It kind of started worrying me, she'd never gave me that look before. 

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