Chapter 5 - Fantasy

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Groggily, my eyes begin to flutter open and, propping myself up on my elbows, I take in my surroundings. Where the hell am I? How did I get here? Whose bed am I lying in? Then all of a sudden, like a dam collapsing, my memories from last night come flooding back all at once and my bruised and concussed head can't take it. I begin to shakily touch my neck for any signs of injury but find nothing and so instead I try to process what happened to me last night and how exactly I got here... That searing pain from last night is so vivid, and yet where are the inevitable marks from it? And that person... Who was he? How did he move so fast? All these questions surge into my brain and all I can think to do is cower in the covers. My thoughts and questions instantly fade when he walks through the door. "T-Taeyong? What are you doing here? Is this your house?" Tears well up in my eyes as I begin to question what is happening. He couldn't possibly be responsible for what happened last night... could he? I clamour backwards, pressing my back up to the headboard while my eyes dart in desperation around the room looking for an escape route. I feel like I'm suffocating and all the while, Taeyong just stands there smiling, motionless.

His still, unblinking eyes divert my attention as if drawing me into some sort of trance... I get lost completely, drowning in his eyes and unwittingly being reduced to a dithering mess. When I'm finally able to shake myself out of his grip, I look up to find he's now sat next to me on the bed staring at my neck and licking his lips as if I were a meal. I shuffle uncomfortably to the other side of the bed as fast as I can, never breaking his gaze for fear of what might happen if I were to look away for even a second but end up going too far and sliding off the edge. And yet I never touch the floor. Instead, I find myself in Taeyong's arms. "H-how did you move so fast? You were over there a second ago..."

He stifles a laugh and I sit, overwhelmed by disbelief and fear.

"You know, I thought what's going on would be pretty obvious to you considering the things you went through last night. You're lucky it was me that found you and not some homeless vampire on the streets" That word he said so nonchalantly as if it meant nothing... Vampire? No, that can't be what he said I tell myself. They aren't real they're just a medium for people to live out a fantasy, to get out their sick desires in a way that won't cause judgement. I must still be knocked out and this is all some kind of fever dream...

"Oh really, you think I'm not real huh? That I'm just a twisted part of your imagination, a character in a dream?" He chuckles blackly at me while I stumble to find the words to ask the many questions racing through my head. "How... did you do that? Was I saying that out loud?" I ask, heart pounding, mind racing.

"Looks like you need to do your research honey" he calls, hurling a book at me with insane accuracy - it lands right on my lap, just missing my face. I pick the book up and read the front: how to be a vampire. "Why the hell do I need this I don't wanna be a vampi-" He replies, guessing my question and cutting me off in the middle of my sentence "this contains everything you should know about all the vampires in our school. your welcome" I jump as he's moved yet again right next to my ear. I'll never get used to this...

I flick through the pages after pages of different types of blood drinkers, but my head can't take in all the information. Probably seeing how engrossed I am in the book, Taeyong leaves. I take the opportunity to take a look around the room for any evidence of what type of "leech" he is. All I can find is a few boring-looking books stacked up on a shelf and a knife with some weird engravings all along the sides of it and down the handle. Strange. I don't want Taeyong knowing I've been through his stuff so I put it back and lay back in bed, hoping to - have enough sleep - get enough sleep to stay awake at school tomorrow.


I'm so excited to finally focus on this and get parts out as fast as possible to keep you guys entertained! it was a struggle writing this part but it's finally finished yay! hope you guys like it and like I said in the last part if you want something in the story then comment and ill take them all into consideration and try to implement them in!

This witxh is out baiii!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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