Chapter 16

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Kian and I have been going strong for a couple of months now and we celebrated his birthday together in September and he spent Thanksgiving with me and my family in November. We ended up flying to Indiana and he met my parents and some of my family it was really nice. he calls my mom Mama Russett and my dad Papa Russett, it's cute. we only have 2 more weeks together for about 2 weeks away from each other because we are going back home for Christmas. Today Kian and I are going to go see Sam so that we can figure everything out because Kian and Sam are best friends and have not talked in months and they really wanna figure out where they stand in there relationship and I really wanna talk to Sam too, cuz we left off on awkward terms.


I drove over to Andrea's to pick her up so we can go meet up with Sam at In n Out.

(13 mins later)

I texted Andrea telling her I was waiting for her in the car. Shortly after she walked outside and we went off. When we got there we saw Sam sitting at a table. Andrea and I walked over to him, hand in hand.

"Ugh hi guys", Sam said to the two of us nervously.

"Hey", Andrea and I said at the same time and sat down.

"So I wanna start off by saying I'M EXTREMELY SORRY".Sam said and I nodded.

"Kian I should of told you before Andrea even came to LA that I had a crush on her, and that I wanted to be with her and in the car I put my hand on her thigh and I just wanted to get closer to her. That night I wanted to make you mad so I kissed Andrea when she got kinda drunk but I had no clue she would kiss back and I felt sparks."Sam explained and I squeezed Andrea's thigh because we do that to each other if we are nervous or getting mad or sometimes we squeeze each others hands.

"Well I know I didn't feel any sparks", Andrea told Sam. He just looked down.

"Kian you are and have been my best friend for so many years and I want that to continue can we put the past behind us and move on."Sam said to me and I could tell he was sincere so I let go of Andrea and went over to Sam and gave him a hug and he said thank you.

"Oh and also before I forget I have a girlfriend her name is Acacia.",Sam said and smiled.

"oh cool, well we'll have to meet her soon", I responded to his comment and we went inside to order our meals, When we were done eating Andrea and I left and went to Ikea. At IKEA we picked up a rug for Andrea's room and a new night stand for her room as well. We are trying to spend as much time as we can together these last to weeks and next week we are going to 6 Flags Magic Mountain with Sam, Acacia, JC, and Jenn for like "a group date" I guess.


Kian and I went back to my place after shopping to drop off the stuff the I grabbed an outfit for tomorrow cuz I'm spending the night over at Kian's place tonight.

When we got to Kian's house we watched a movie with Ricky and Trevor then ate some dinner. Kian and I went up stairs and took an bath together. When we were done we cuddled then we ended up driving to the store to get some ice cream. When we got back we were not tired so Kian and I walked to the park. When we got to the park it was empty and super dark out, but it was nice cuz it was just the two of us. We went to the swing sets and we talked about a bunch of things. It was like 12:00am now and Kian and I walked back home. When we got back house Sam and Connor were in the living room watching tv and there was some girl cuddling with Sam.
"Hey guys", Sam said to us.
"Hey", Kian and I said and walked over to them.
"This is my girlfriend Acacia", Sam said to us and kissed her on the forehead. Acacia stood up and came to give Kian and I a hug. She gave Kian the eye, and when I say that I mean I think she thinks he's cute and I mean who wouldn't. Kian smirked at her and she bit her lip and it made me mad so I quickly grabbed Kian's hand to kinda let her know that we are together. I squeezed Kian's hand really tight. He looked over at me and smiled and stop paying attention to Acacia so that made me happy. Kian and I sat down and we all started talking. A little bit after JC got home and Jenn was with him we made a plan to go to 6 flags with a large group. We all started watching a movie and during the middle of the movie Acacia grabbed Sam's hand and led him up stairs.
Kian's POV.
It got closer to the end of the movie and Andrea had fallen asleep with her head in my lap I decided to go to sleep too. So I picked Andrea up bridal style, said good night to everyone then walked up stairs. Andrea woke up and she just asked if I could carry her up like this any way and of course I didn't mind so I did. When we got to my room I opened the door and put Andrea down. We both couldn't believe our eyes.
"SAM WHAT THE FUCK!", I shouted.
"Go away", Acacia moaned.
"This is so nasty. SAM GET OFF THE FUCKIN BED AN LEAVE!!!" Andrea added.
"Fine then just calm down. oh my god", Sam said to us with attitude. It was annoying cuz he just had sex in my fuckin bead and now he's getting mad.
"Sam you need to shut up cuz how discussed would you feel if someone other than you had sex in your bed. You fuckin dumb ass.", I yelled at Sam and the two of them left.
"That was really rude,annoying, and disgusting of Sam to do",Andrea said.
"Ya", I replied.
"Ugh ew, used condom over here babe", Andrea told me and it was so gross. We took the sheets off my bed and put some clean ones on.
"Hey do you like her", Andrea asked me.
I asked Kian if he liked Acacia cuz I know I didn't really like her. Kian raised his eyebrows, bit his lips and said, "Ugh nope but you know who I really like", and he walked towards me.
"Ugh I don't know", I said to him
In a joking manner and bit my lip. Kian stared removing my shirt and said, "you", really fast.
"Oh really. do you now", I giggled and pulled his shorts down. Kian started sucking and kissing me from the back on my ear, down my neck, and to my chest. I took his shirt off and removed his boxers. We made out for a while then we began doing the nasty. I was ridding Kian for a while. I could feel his penis getting harder and farther deep into me so he pulled out. Kian and I just laid on the bed for a while
"That was GREAT", Kian said and I nodded. I put my arm on his chest and rested my head under his arm and put one led over his and we both feel asleep.
"ouuuuu babe wake up", I wined trying to wake Kian up.
"Ya what it is. Are you ok", Kian woke up an replied.
"No I'm really soar down there and it hurts like fuck and I think it's from last night",I told him.
"Should we go to the hospital", he asked me and I nodded. We put on some clothes and went down stairs and no one was up yet. When we got in the car I was in so much pain. Kian tried to comfort me but I was just being a bitch cuz I was in so much pain and was still tired. Kian started driving as fast as he could and he had his hand on my thigh and was rubbing it. about 10 mins later we get to the hospital and the lady gets us a room. I was really scared. Kian and I sat in the room for about 7 mins waiting for the doctor to come in but he finally got here.
"Hello", the doctor said to us.
"Hi", Kian and I say at the same time.
Doc: So what brings the two of you here today
Andrea: well I'm having reallllly bad pain
Doc: so wear exactly are you in pain
kian&Andrea: ughhhh
Doc: ughhhh... Where
Andrea: my feminine are *said awkwardly*
Doc: oh ugh well has this ever happened
Andrea: no this is the first time
Doc: well can I ask you guys a couple of questions
Kian&Andrea: ya
Doc: are you guys dating
Kian: yes *smiles at Andrea*
Doc: do you guys have sex
Kian&Andrea: yes
Doc: Did the pains start today
Andrea: ya this morning
Doc: did you guys have sex last night
Andrea: yes
Doc: well that might be why. Did you guys do anything different of unusual that you don't usually do when you have sex
Kian: well when I was in her last night she said that I was getting harder and it was going farther in so I pulled out
Doc: well that might be the problem. So all I can say is take it easy for a couple of days
Kian&Andrea: k thanx Doctor Cishugi
Kian's POV.
We left the hospital and then drove to the pharmacy to go get Andrea some pain relief pills.
"That was awkward" Andrea said.
"Haha ya it was", I reply
I got a call from Connor and Andrea picked up.
Andrea: Hey Connor what's up.
Connor: Where are you guys
"Tell him we went to pick up breakfast",Kian whispered.
Andrea: we went to go buy some donuts for breakfast. But we'll be home in like 10 mins
Connor: oh ok we'll see you then
Andrea: bye
We got back to the house after actually buying donuts and everyone was in the living room. We put the stuff down in the kitchen and Kian and I were gonna go up stairs to go take a shower cuz we're filming a video for Awesomeness tv today.
Kian's POV
"Come on Andrea", I gestured to her to follow me up stairs. She gave me the eye and pointed at her pain spot so I went to the bottom of the stairs and carried her up bridal style.
"Thanx babe", Andrea said to me. We got to the room and Andrea waited for me up in my room while I took a shower and got dressed. then we left and drove to Andrea's house and did the same. After wards we went and filmed our skits. About 3 hours later Andrea and I were done and we went out to eat. I dropped Andrea off back at her house and I just spent the rest of the day with JC, Connor, and Ricky.
We went down to the beach with our Penny Skateboards and skated on the boardwalk. We then went and got frozen yogurt. When we got home we filmic a bunch of videos. it wasn't so late yet so I called Andrea to see if she and Jenn wanted to go to the movies with JC and I for like a little double date.
Kian called me and asked if Jenn and I wanted to go to the movies with him and JC and we said ya so they'll be here in 30 mins. I went and changed and so did Jenn. By the time we were done we heard the door bell ring and it was the boys.
"Hey you guys look great". JC and Kian said at the same time.
"Thanx", Jenn and I said. I locked the door and grabbed Kian's hand and Jenn grabbed JC's. In the car we were listening to music and singing a bunch of songs. The car ride was full of laughs, it was great.
"So boys what are we watching", I asked.
"It's up to you guys", Kian said.
"Ya I don't really care", JC added.
"Ok" Jenn and I said. We got to the movies and decided to watch this movie "Lucy" it's about this girl who is capable of using 100% of her brain.
•2 hours latter•
The movie was really good and intense. We went to In n Out when it was over cuz we were hungry. After eating JC and I dropped the girls off at their place.
**at the front door**
"Good night", Andrea said to me.
"Night babe, I love you". I said to her holding both her hands and then Gave her a kiss.
"Today was fun thanx", Jenn said to JC.
"Ya it was, goodnight I love you", JC said to Jeen and they had a little make out session.
"Woooh woot", Andrea and I screamed at them same time and theyboth flipped us off but the were still making out. It was cute tho. When that was all done JC and I weren't tired so we decided to get some frozen yogurt then we drove to the Hollywood sign. We started talking and I mentioned that I walked into Sam and Acacia banging and I got so pissed and how he did that after we had just made up. He understood and told me that Sam texted him this morning and said that him and Acacia broke up and he felt bad about what he did. So JC said that I need to give him a call tomorrow or something. We left after a while and decided to go Penny Boarding. It was late now so we went home. When we got home I went strait up to my room and texted Andrea to see if her you know what is feeling better. She said ya and then we FaceTimed for hours after and it was like 3:00am and my laptop died. I knew she was still awake and so I drove to her house. I didn't know if Jenn was asleep so I grabbed the extra key that they have some where and I slowly walked in and locked the door behind me... then I walked into Andrea's room and she was changing her shirt.
"Hey pretty lady", I said to her and she jumped and walked over to me.
"Babe you scared me, what are you doing here", she asked.
"My laptop dyed when we were FaceTiming and I missed you" I said to her and pouted my lips.
"Oh ok" she said and bit her lip I Always love it when she does that.
"By the way babe I love that shirt", I said to her cuz it was mine.
"Thanx, a special person gave it to me" she said and I walked over to her and started pulling down her pants but she stopped me.
"But why not", I said in a baby voice.
"Kian sorry but I don't wanna have sex for a while cuz of my pains". Andrea said to me.
"Ok fine" I said in a sad voice.
"But we can cuddle", she added, so we did and we ended up falling asleep.

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