Chapter 7

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I had fallen asleep on the flight and so did Jenn.

After a couple of hours we woke up and landed in LA. I immediately grabbed my phone as soon as we got off the plane and tweeted "finally in LA"


I decided to text JC and tell him we were here. He texted back moments later and said that he would be there in 15 mins. Andrea and I stepped outside to wait for JC.

I heard a car honking and when I looked over it was JC's car. When he pulled up in front of us I relized that he was not alone.


In the car I saw Kian Sitting in the passenger seat. I began feeling butterflies in my stomach. They both stepped out of the car and grabbed our stuff and put it in trunk. Kian walked up to Jenn and so did JC... they gave her a hug and I think JC even picked her on the cheek. after the were done saying hello they came over to me and gave me a hug as well. When Kian gave me a hug it was tight, sweet, long, and memberable. The hug gave we chills gown my spine.

We all went inside the car and I sat in the back with Kian and JC and Jenn sat up front. Kian and I just started talking about random things. When we got to their house it was HUGE and we were surprised by the other O2L boys.

"So where are we sleeping for the next week?" Jenn asked.

"Oh well there's a guest bedroom next to my room.", JC said.

Connor brought our stuff up stairs to the guest room and Jenn and I followed Ricky for a house tour.

The boys thought it would be fun if they took us out for a tour around LA tonight. Trevor had an appointment for his new album and Sam had made plans with his family tonight. Jenn and I went up stairs to the guest bedroom and saw that there was one full size bed. Jenn and I tooled at each other and shook our heads. we told the boys that we couldn't share a bed that small and so we need like an extra blow up bed or something.

"Well Andrea if you want you would sleep in my room? I'll sleep down stairs on the couch." Kian asked me.

"Oh yes thank you" I said to him and gave him a hug and he slightly touched my butt.


I took my stuff out of the guest bedroom and put it in Kian's room. His room was actually clean and really nice.


JC pulled me in to a corner, softly pushed me on to a wall and told me the way he feels about me...he actually likes me and I told him the way I felt about him.

"Wanna be my girlfriend?" JC asked me.

I answered yes and he pulled me in for a kiss. It was a nice, long passionate kiss but soon after was interpreted by Kian looking at us and we pulled away quickly.

"Awwww how cute", Kian said teasing.

"Oh shut up Kian" JC said smiling.

I didn't even notice for a while but JC and I were standing there holding hands.


Kian had told me there was some extra closet space I could use when I unpack my stuff. So I hung up some of the stuff I'd be wearing this week.

"Are you guys almost ready its 6:30" Ricky shouted from downstairs.

I totally forgot! So I went to Kian's closest and picked out my Black skater skirt, my white crop top and tied a flannel to put around my waist. I placed the out fit on the bed and took off my clothes. Then suddenly the door flung open and it was Kian.

"Oh SHOOT I'm so sorry Andrea" he said as he closed the door.

My heart was racing so fast and I went over to the door and locked it.

"OMFG what the hell just happened" I thought to myself.

"Kian just saw my naked" I texted Jenn

When I was done getting dressed I went to go look for Kian he was out back.

"Aye I'm sorry for what happened, I didn't know you were in there I thought you were with Jenn." Kian explained to me.

I told him it was fine and he could go get ready now.

"You look beautiful by the way" Kian said to me with one hand on the back of his neck.

"Thanx", I said to him.

He went upstairs and I was thinking if I should do what he did to me by walking into the room on "accident". I thought about it for a while then just went for it. I ran upstairs and barged in.

"BOOOO..." I scream out loud.

"Well hey there beautiful", Kian said to me calm with a smile.

It looked like he was about to put on his shirt but I didn't mind seeing him shirtless.

"Well I was expecting you to be in your boxers and screaming." I said laughing.

"Haha well let's go downstairs.", Kian said and put on his shirt and flannel.

We walked downstairs together and we all left.

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