Chapter 19

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I'm currently back in my hometown San Clemente,CA. I arrived here like 2 hrs ago and I've just been hanging out with my family. I didn't have to take a flight because Sam and I just drive here it's only like 1 hr way from LA. I left the living room where my parents and I were watching this show. I went up to my room and called Andrea to see how she was doing. When I called it rang twice then she picked up.
*Phone Convo*
Andrea:HEY KIAN!
Kian:He babe how are you
Andrea:I'm good how bout you
Kian:good I was just downstairs watching a show with my parents. What are you doing
Andrea:Oh nothing much I'm just hanging out with my dogs haha
Kian: I can't wait for you to fly down to San Clemente, after Christmas so you can meet my family
Andrea:Ya same
Kian:Wanna FaceTime? Cuzz... I kinda miss your beautiful face
Andrea: Haha Ya ok but let me change first
Kian: Ok I'll call you on FaceTime in like 5 mins. ok?
Andrea: Ya that's good. bye love you
Kian:love you too
*end of phone convo*
Andrea's POV
I didn't actually need to change I had to go pee. since my pregnancy started I've had to go pee ALOT. When I go back to my room from the bathroom I sat on my bed and waited for Kian's call. About after 10 mins of waiting my lap top showed that kian was calling on FaceTime so I answered.
Kiki:Hey beautiful
Drea: Hey snotball
Kiki:not nice *said with and attitude*
Drea: haha I miss you
Kiki:I know you do, I can tell by your voice
Drea:ya *sad*
Kiki:you know I miss you too
Drea: yeah
Kian's POV.
We talked for like 1hour but then my mom came in and asked me to go help her finish putting on ornaments on our Christmas tree. So we said our good byes and my mom and I went down stairs.
"Have you and Andrea talked a lot about they baby" my mom asked.
"Ugh well kinda, just like name and what we want the gender of they baby to be, so like that's about it.", I replied.
"Oh ok", she said and we got out decorations.
After Kian and I were done FaceTiming I decided to call my bestfriend Cece to see if she wants to hangout or something. But when I called it want straight to voice mail. So I just left her a message hopping she'd get it cuz I really missed her. I went down stairs after a while to see what my parents were doing and no one was home. So I just went to the liking room, laid on the couch with a blanket and watched some TV. Man I wish I could cuddle with Kian right now. I could kinda see my belly gettin a tinny bit bigger everyday and it's kinda cool and weird that there's a human growing in side of me haha. After a couple episodes of Cake Boss, I went to my room. I was bored so I set up some film im stuff and started a video. I decided to do "The First Time Tag". After a good hour of that I just edited the video and it was ready for me to upload tomorrow. I am so tired right now. I want and took a warm bath and took my iPad with me so I could watch some Hulu. I just laid there in the bath, thinking how my life was gonna change after having my baby and stuff. When I was done I went to my room and took a nap when I was done with my nap I was making my way to the kitchen but then stopped in the hall way. Myy mom was talking to someone on the phone on speaker.
Mrs.Russett: Oh Ya Andrea is good, Are you happy Kian's back how
(andreas quick pov.>I immediately knew it was Kian's mom so I stayed and tried to listen some more.)
Mrs.Lawley: Ya and ugh so what did you think about when Andrea and Kian told you they were pregnant
Mrs.Russett: I was really shocked at first and I'm I was sort of disappointed because I Lawley thought Andrea would be one to wait till marriage but then I thought how accidents happen so then I didn't really care and I was happy for them.
Mrs:Lawley: Ya same here but I'm concerned about what they're gonna do when the baby comes where it's gonna take from there
Mrs.Russett: Ya well I'm gonna talk to Andrea about it and tell Kian I said hello. Bye
Mrs. Lawley: Alright then bye and tell Andrea I said hello
*end of convo*
Andrea's POV.
As soon as my mom got of the phone I quickly went back to my room and texted kian to tell him about what I heard and he told me that he was listening to. haha
My mom and Andrea's were talking about us and how our future was gonna be with the baby in our life, but I'm not worried cuz I think we are gonna be great parents. I can't wait for Christmas I got all my family gifts and I also got Andrea and her parents some but I won't give it to them till Andrea comes down and I think I'll mail her parents gifts to them. I'm gonna go hang out with Sam now and our old friend Dillon is going tag along so I went to go get ready. After I finished getting ready I went out side and waited for Sam and Dillon to get here. After waiting outside for like 10mims they finally it here an we went to this empty lot and went skating. We talked for a while then I was debating if I should tell them about Andrea being pregnant but then I didn't cuz I figured Andrea and I should talk about it first. After about 2 hours we were done so we went to go get something to eat. It was about 9:30 now so we went to my house. We hung out for a while then the boys left and I wen to go shower. After my shower I went to sleep I was really tired.
I'm really tired right now but I can't sleep. I don't know why tho. I also can't stop thinking about what my mom and Kian's were talking about like with what Kian and I are gonna do after the baby comes. After 2 hours of just sitting in my bed I finally fell asleep.
Kian's POV.
IT'S FINALLY CHRISTMAS MORNING. I grabbed my phone and wished all my friends a Merry Christmas. Then I quickly went to the living room where all my family was and we ate breakfast. Then we started opening gifts it was really fun. I got 3 new camera lenses, new shows, 2 new hats, some clothes, and some Beat head phones.
Andrea's POV.
When I went to the family room my family was down there and getting ready to open presents. We ate cookies and began opening gifts. I get new shoes, some new blankets, a new camera, 4 gift card, and a new laptop. I got a text from kian wishing me a Merry Christmas so I texted him back and we talked for a while. I'm leaving in 2 days to go back to California and I'm gonna finally be able to meet Kian's parents in San Clemente. I can't wait to see Kian. I wonder what his parents are gonna think of me?

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