Chapter 13

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Kian and I got up around the same time. I put on one of Kian's shirts and found one of my sweat pants and Kian put on some gym shorts then we walked down stairs to join JC for some breakfast. We sat down and started talking. Kian put his hand on my thigh and then worked his way into my sweats and I let out a moan. Kian was laughing and I was kinda embarrassed.

"Well I heard a lot of those last night",JC said to me laughing.

"Oh shut up JC", I said to him.

When Kian and I were done we went back to his room and got in the shower together. When we were done Kian got dressed and JC went over to My place to see Jenn last night so I told him to bring me back my California shirt and some leggings, so I wore that and Kian wore a white California shirt with black skinny jeans. We laid on his bed and talked which was our favorite thing to do while we waited for Ricky.

"So Kian were you a virgin before last night", I asked him. He hesitated to answer the question.

"Well.Ugh.Yes I was a virgin and why is because I think sex is a special thing that you should wait for and do with the one you really love and know will be with you forever and that's why I thought last night was perfect cuz you're the one I TRULY love Andrea Russett."

Kian said to me and I gave him a kiss.

"Well were you?", Kisn asked

"Ugh no I wasn't", I told him in a worried voice

"Are you fuckin serious Andrea", he said to me in a mean,mad voice and he stood up off the bed and I sat up.

"Ya so", I said to him and tears started forming in his eyes.

"(Ya so)is that all it means to you Andrea" Kian said in a lower more sad voice but you can still tell he was mad.

"I thought that last night was your first time too and it was so special to you and now all you can say is "ya so", come on now Andrea ", Kian said crying.

"Well I'm sorry babe I didn't mean it like that it's just that I thought that it didn't really matter cuz the one other time I did it was with my ex and it didn't count cuz I didn't love him... like I love you Kian", I walked up to him and we were both in tears and I gave him a huge hug. We agreed to forget about what just happened and get along with our day. We went down stairs and went out the door with Ricky to go to Ikea so he could go get new lights for his room. We were out doing a bunch of stuff then when got back at the boys house. it was 4:45 and the party that Jenn is having for me starts at 6:30pm so Kian got ready and by the time he was done with everything of course with my help it was already 5:20 so Kian dropped me off back at my house.

"I'll be back at 6:20pm love you cutie",Kian said to me and we kissed good bye.

"Ok we'll see you then. I love you too",I told Kian and walked to my front door. When I got inside I went to my room and picked out a cute outfit to wear for tonight and lied it down on my bed. After wards I went and took a shower. Then I straightened and curled my hair, put on make-up, and got dressed. I went to the front door because someone was knocking and I opened the door to Kian with a gift in his hands.

"Wow you look gorgeous babe", Kian said to me and walked in and gave me a hug.

"Thanks Kian", I replied to him.

He put down his gift at a table that Jenn had set up for all the gifts people brought for me. Kian went to go say Hello to Jenn and I told him to meet me back at room. The doorbell rang and I checked the time, it was already 6:29pm. I went out to the living room with Kian and Jenn answers the door, it was Nash, Cameron, Brent, and Matthew, they're all Viners and really good friends of mine.

"Hey Andrea!!!" the boys said to me and all came to give me a hug then they put their gifts to me on the gift table and went to go get a drink. Soon after my friends Lauren, Jack, Arden, Joey, Grace, Jack, and Shane came in and they were all so sweet by approaching me with hugs. Then like 2 mins later Sam, JC, Ricky, Connor, and Dom walk in and Trevor couldn't come cuz he has a flu but I told him we can do something with the two of us when he gets better. In seconds a bunch of people come flying in and our place is full of dancing screaming, drunk people and we are having a bunch of fun. I got pulled aside over to the bathroom and I thought it was Kian so I followed but when I saw it was Sam I asked him what he wanted. He didn't say anything but instead he put his hands on the back of my head and leaned in for a kiss And I kissed back. OH NO what am I doing.

"Andrea, Sam?" a voice at the end of the hall way questioned.

...It was Kian. I pulled away quickly and started walking towards him.


I couldn't believe my eyes. My girlfriend was making out with one of my best friends. It brought tears to my eyes cuz I thought she loves me. Andrea started walking towards me but as I tried walking away she grabbed my wrist and I pulled my arm away, turned around and said,

"Andrea what the fuck was that I thought you loved me and I trusted you!! Not in a million years would I even imagine you doing that crap to me and breaking my heart!! You were making out with one of my best friends!! But I guess I was wrong, I guess you don't love me, I guess I can't trust you, and I bet all those times you told me that you loved me they were just nothing but lies Andrea", I said to her with tears running down my face. Andrea was crying too but I didn't care cuz she just broke my heart.

"Kian I-", Andrea was beginning to say but I walked away and I grabbed my gift to her and stormed out the door. I drove back home with tears running down my face. I then turn on the radio and "All I Want" is playing, that's the song Andrea and I promised we'd never have to play in the future. I still love Andrea but I can't be with someone who I can't trust and would do that to me so I think we need a break. When I got home it was like 11:25pm. I went to my room and threw the gift I got for Andrea under my bed. I got her a promise ring and 2 plane ticket to Indiana because I thought it would a good idea for her to visit her family and for me to meet them. I went in the shower and when I was done I laid in my bed thinking about why she would do that to me.The boys got home around 12:00am and JC came into my room.

"Get the fuck out dude I'm not in the mood", I said to JC and he walked out shutting the door really hard. I just want to be alone right now. I don't know if things will go back to before with Andrea and I but for now it's a no. I just laid in bed and watched a couple Family Guy episodes on Hulu+. It's now 2:30am but I can't sleep so I just start adding stuff on my snapchat story. My phone starts blowing up with texts from Andrea and she called me 6 times but I'm so mad at her right now.


I keep on trying to get a hold of Kian but he doesn't want to answer any of my calls or respond to any of my text. I went on snapchat and saw that he had a picture on his story and the picture was him pouting his lips with teary eyes and the caption was "current mood:sad". It made me sad. I still love Kian SOO bad but he probably hates me so much now. I didn't mean for what happened at the party to happen. I know what I did was wrong and I just want to talk with Kian and figure all of this out. Oh and words can't even explain how mad I am at Sam right now. I should of told Kian a long time ago how Sam was rubbing my thigh and how close and touchy he was becoming towards me so that Kian could've kept a close look on how Sam was acting around me. I messed up big time.

I went to go shower and I found one of Kian's shirt in my closet and I put it on it smelt like Kian and that made me think so much more about him but I still kept it on. I hope he and I could be together again. I wonder what he's doing right now. I wonder if he still loves me?


I walked over to JC's room to go apologies for what happened earlier and to talk to him about what I saw at the party. I was crying when I told him what I saw and JC really comforted me as a friend it was nice.

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