Agent 3

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Before we start. Imma just get some things cleared:

I'm horrible with keeping up with characters. Bare with me and tell me if something's wrong
I have an thing for stop lights
I made Agent 3 a male in my file, but ill later make one of the female

Ok here we go I'm sorry.

Running through the brisk morning air of Inkopolis, Agent 3 dashed through the empty area. The tall buildings surrounded him, causing him to feel a pinch of paranoia to get him in his gut. He has a thing with building of course. Jumping out of then and things jumping out at him. Speaking of the act of surprise, Octarians caught him in front of a store, making an effort of defeat him. But 3 was skater and better than this, so instead of staying there and defeating them, he ran after who ever he was chasing.

The morning was near, and 3 had to be quick about this. Jumping over a fence, he had his target in his sight. Only a little more and this would all be over.

Will it?

Cornering his target, his cape fluttered behind him. The air became as thick as butter, and the daylight slowly became visible. The target backed away quickly from the hunter. Who ever this was, they didn't like one bit of being chased. They were sure they'd be safe if they went out at night, but they made the grave mistake of being too slow.

"Don't be shy..." 3 muttered under his thick grown voice.
"This won't sting at all..."
Charging his weapon up, 3 got ready to splat the hunted into oblivion. But before 3 could even touch the trigger, the subject yelped.



"Please...I...I'm sorry..."

3 slowly lowered his weapon to look down at the desperate one. He was, surprised! Even a bit scared, but he was shocked at least. He never knew one of them could do that.

"You can speak..?"

3 glared at the rising sun in the distance and looked back at his "enemy". He knew he couldn't do anything more without having a full explanation of the situation. So, he made the brave choice of picking up the hunted and running away. He was gone quicker than the feeling of being safe.

That was horrible SKSKSKS

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