Part 28

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Still In June's POV

We finally turn up to Juniors. 

"Thanks Mike, Il see you two later" I chirp getting out the car. Straightening up I make my way to Junior's front door. I ring the bell an step back. Hes dad answers giving me a quick smile. Hes dad black hair was always gelled down to perfection an over he's quite muscly build he always wore suits.

"Hes upstairs June" He smiles 

"Thanks." I make my way up the stairs. Junior dad races into the kitchen to grab the house phone that's ringing.

I knock on he's room door that is the first door in the hall.

"Come in" Junior calls.

I walk in an Junior's room is in a total mess. There's clothes an paper strewn all over the floor. 

"Hey, Junior whats going on around here" 

Junior gives me a quick glance before looking back through a pile of papers.

"June come in an shut the door"

I do as asked than pushed my bag onto the bed.

"Im looking for a letter from my mum" He explains 

"Really, Shall I help?"

"No no" He snaps

I step back feeling useless.

"I mean im good at this type of thing" I add

Junior ignores me an sits on he's bed.

"Junior talk to me. I hate when your like this"

Junior freezes looking up at me. He pushes hes hands through he's hair.

"Oh Junior" I go an sit beside him.

"June... I miss her" Junior cries out before he begins to cry.

This isn't the first time Juniors cried into my arms about he's mother. I just hate seeing him like this. I hold him to my chest rubbing symphatic circles into hes back.

"Junior baby let it all out" I whisper.

When Junior stops sobbing he just sits beside me clinging to me.



"Thank you"

"Its okay baby, listen look at me"

I take hes head in my hands an direct him to face me

"I got you" I say kissing him gently on hes lips

Junior grins hugging me tightly

"Listen il help you clear up" I offer getting up.

Junior gets up also grabbing me by my hips. He kisses my neck an I wrap my arm around his neck.

"Junior..... stop" I giggle.

Junior looks up at me. 

"Why?" He whispers kissing my lips eagerly. 

I return the kiss an know if we don't stop we will end up making love on top this mess. 

I break apart.

"Your dads downstairs" I mention

"Owell hes probably working" Junior raises hes eyebrows frustrated

"Your dad loves you so much" I add

"Maybe" Junior shrugs.

I could see why Junior had cracks in he's relationship with he's dad. Junior needed support an love, something he's dad didn't give him much of.

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