Part 11

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Texas's POV

I was resting on the couch. I bit my nail anxiously as I watched the mystery unravel in the movie, 4321. Just as the main character grabbed the knife off the kitchen counter, the doorbell rang. I let out a shrill scream into my pillow before noticing that the killer wasn't with me.

Mum wouldn't be back so soon. She said she would be home later this week so who was it? I walked down the stairs and headed to the front door. Looking through the hole, I saw that it was just June. I opened the door and June stood there, smiling awkwardly at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Texas," she apologized taking a step forward and hugging me. "I have a lot of explaining to do."

"You don't need to be sorry," I gently pushed her off me.

"But I am and I need to explain everything," she said. "I'm your best friend. Well... ex-best friend now. I just need to tell you everything and now's the right time."

"Sure," I nodded, opening the door and gesturing for her to come inside. I ushered her into the kitchen where I poured her a glass of apple juice.

June smiled. "I know you've heard from Lizz, and maybe Mike, but I want you to hear it from me," June explained pacing back and forth. "I was drunk and I slept with Mike. I let it happen and I'm so sorry! I was stupid!"

"You still are," I teased and June bit her lower lip. "I'm joking and I know that. We're best friends and I trust you."

"Thank you, Texas," June beamed, shaking my hand. She noticed the bracelet I was wearing. "You're actually wearing the friendship bracelet I bought for you!"

"Of course," I laughed. "I mean it was from my best friend."

"How about we order in tonight, Texas?" June suggested. "Have a sleepover or something? We haven't hung out in a while."

"I have a good movie upstairs but you're paying," I told her and June stuck out her tongue. I called Lizz and Mike but Mike was at the gym. Lizz said she could make it and was on her way to crash our party.

I'm glad we were on good terms.

I really am.


June's Pov

"Yes, a large chicken pizza with extra cheese. If there's extra, extra cheese then I'm all up," I told the person taking my order. "And can I add two portions of wings and a large bottle of coke? Don't forget the two portions of fries!"

"That's a really big party," the person chuckled and I scrunched my face. "Did the team win something?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said. "I'm just ordering for my two friends."

"What happened to diet?"

"Can you just take my order?" I snapped and he laughed at my reaction. I rolled my eyes and placed the phone back. Texas and Lizz were debating if the guy who picked up the phone could annoy me.

"I knew he'd annoy you," she grinned mischievously and Lizz sighed, throwing a pillow at her.

"You guys act like a couple," I groaned, jumping onto the couch.

"Hey!" Lizz chirped. "Texas and Mike are officially a couple! Isn't that so cute?"

"Mexas," I thought out loud. "Tike... They sound so cute!" I knew Texas and Mike would make an adorable couple and I'm glad they finally got together. Without me in between them.

"He asked me out and how could I say no to the guy I can't stop dreaming about?" Texas gushed, looking up at the ceiling romantically.

"So when will you make love?" Lizz giggled. "Or babies?"

"Jeez, Lizz!" I threw a pillow at her. "Calm down! Texas is blushing!"

"We're going with the flow," Texas sighed dreamily, fanning herself. They continued throwing the puffy pillows at each other when my phone vibrated. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, hoping the vibrating would stop.

"June! Don't ignore your boyfriend," Lizz joked, pointing at my phone.

I shrugged. Lizz turned to look at Texas and they both frowned.

"What are you hiding, June?" Texas asked, concerned.

"No... Nothing," I faked a smile so she wouldn't know.

"Are you with Mike?" Texas accused, narrowing her eyes at me.

"No!" I waved my hands in front of her. "I swear! It's my... My dog! Yes! He's texting me!"

"You don't have a dog," Lizz mumbled and I smacked my forehead. The doorbell rang and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Saved by the bell! I ran to the door and opened it to see the delivery boy.

Texas caught up with me and Lizz followed close behind. They helped me bring the food in and once we were in the kitchen, they looked at me.

"Spit out, June!" Texas cried. She snatched the phone from my hands. "From Stalker: June! Oh, my love! I want you tonight. This desire is burning in my aching chest! I want to taste you, feel your skin against mine and hold you in my arms, baby."]

"That," Lizz pointed at my phone, "Is messed up."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Texas asked, looking concerned and worried for me.

"I thought he'd stop! I've been receiving them for two weeks but I don't recognize the number," I sighed, taking a seat. "He wouldn't stop."

"This is serious, June," Lizz whispered. "What's his number?"

Texas passed the phone to her and Lizz gasped, placing her hand over her mouth.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"I recognize this number!" she shouted.

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