Going camping

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Heyy! This story is sooooo adorable!! I am fangirling! I hope you enjoy it also! :)

"No! I'm not going camping!" You scream as Sonny tickles you on the bed. He has this grazy idea that you two would go on a little camp. "Just one night" He pouts, you still shook your headand hold your breath to not to burst out laughing, that doesn't work and you laugh your heart out. "Y/N please." Sonny got off of you and throws himself besides you, pulling you in his strong arms. "You know I hate camping. It's always cold and I fear cold." You sigh. "Yeaah, I know. But that would be so cool, we could make bonfire and cuddle, pluss I can keep you warm at night" You hit Sonny playfully on his shoulder because he was wiggling his eyebrows. "If I come with you this one night will you promise we will never ever go camping again?" He nods smiling and pecks your lips. 

"Tell me again why did I agree with this?" Sonny chuckles and kisses softly your lips. "I promised you that if you go on this camp with me, then we will never go camping again." You nod and both of you started walking down the street. This street was so quiet, not even one car rode by us. Sonny grabbed your hand and laughed a little. "What are you laughing at?" You ask confused. "You just look so cute in my big clothes" He chuckled and kissed your hand. "Well, I have to wear your clothes because I don't have camping clothes and besides your clothes are hella comfty." You smirk. 

It took maybe ten minutes till you made a little break again. You could see a long road ahead. There was a bridge over the lake, the view was beautiful, sun was starting to set. "I think last time we camped was at middle school, remember?" Sonny thinks a little and then bursts out laughing. "I remember you had a spider on your hair and you screamed like a grazy person" If you think about it ten years later, it was pretty funny tbh. "Hey! I was afraid of spiders, you dork. Don't laugh!" You were trying to punch Sonny playfully but stumbled and fell on top of him. Both of you fell to the ground, Sonny under, you on the top. "Sorry, I was trying to hit you, but I stumbled." You say blushing. "Don't worry, I like this position" You roll your eyes smirking and got up, Sonny following. "We have to walk a little bit more, so let's go" He grabbed your hand again and you continued your journey. 

Afer more of twenty minutes walking, which consisted you doing tons of breaks, Sonny laughing and making jokes and kissing your forhead slightly, you finally reached the fireplace. It's really nice here. "Hey, Mills! Can you put up the tent. I'm going to lit the fire!" Sonny was already bringing out wood for bonfire. Clever, you think to yourself. Within half an hour, you managed to put up the whole tent by yourself. You were as suprised as Sonny, when he found you next to a complete tent. He kissed your cheek. "Good job" He pulls you beside him. 

When the sun went down, you were just sitting by the bonfire, telling each other funny stories that you just made up. It was pretty funny. To your suprise, you weren't cold at all, besides the hot fire, Sonny hold you as close as possible, so you were pretty comfortable. Your head rested on Sonny's shoulder and he poked the fire with a wooden stick, to make the fire burn better. 

As the wind started to blow, chills runned down your body. You started to shiver a little and snuggled your body more closer to Sonny's, it wasn't really possible anymore, because there was no space between you two. "You are cold." Sonny said as he saw you tried to warm yourself up. "Go inside, darling, I'll come in a few minutes." You nod and got up and walked towards the tent, where you throwed yourself on a not so comfortable matt. You crawled up in a ball, your body was cold because the wind outside blew right through you. Luckily inside the tent, you relaxed a little but you were still cold. 

Five minutes later Sonny came in, he had a sad face when he saw you all crawled up in a ball. He got beside you and pulled you closer to his chest. His warm lips were attached to your hair and he wrapped his arms around you, making you feel warm. "Are you tired?" You shook your head. You filled the last gap between you two and now, your body was completely in his arms. You talked with Sonny about anything, he made you laugh as always. 

You didn't even realize couple of hours went by and you weren't cold anymore. You actually started to feel little bit tired so you relaxed your head on his chest and closed your eyes. 


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