3. Imagine

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Heyaaa! So here is my another story, I have to admit, writing these imagines are soo fun, you can create a different situation every time. Hope you enjoooy! :)

Can you imagine going into the Owsla store to look at the new designs. They are sooo dope you love them actually.
Sonny went to talk with other DJ's as you examined jackets more closely. "Y/N" someone whispered behind you, to your surprise it was Dillon. "Dillon?" You asked. You and Sonny both were pretty mad at him still, Sonny little more tho. "I wanted to ask you to a dinner." You almost choke on the air. "To dinner? Can't you remember what Sonny told you last time?" You shook your head in amazement. You can't believe him. "I remember, but don't you think I deserve a change?" He was stoood pretty close to you. "No I don't. I'm with Sonny. We are having a baby, we're gonna get married, what are you thinking?" You blurt out. He gripped your wrist, and you wince in pain. "I don't care about any of those things. I want you, Y/N. I need you. I love you." You shake away your hand. You can't actually believe it's happening. "No, Dillon! Please just leave me alone, I don't want to see you again!" You shout, storming out of the clothing room. You ran towards the long coridors, which leds to the design rooms, where Sonny is. Just as you were thinking of him, you saw him coming out of the room alone. At first he smiles when he sees you, but when he sees your teary eyes and you runnning towards him, his eyebrows began to knitt together. You crash into his arms, holding closely into his shirt. Tears filled your eyes. "Baby? What happened?" Sonny rubbed your back and wrapped his arms around you. "Dillon.....he...he..he said that he...loves..me and that he wants...me" you try to form a sentence but it's really hard because of your crying. "Did he hurt you?" He asked, cupping your cheeks and wiping your tears."He grabbed my hand really hard but nothing else" you point at your still red hand. Sonny tightens his arms around your body. "I shouldn't have left you there all by yourself when I know Dillon's out there somewhere" you shake your head. "It's not your fault. I'm not supposes to follow you everywhere like a puppy" you smile. He chuckels a little and kisses your forhead.
He grabbs your hand quickly and pulls you towards the large hall. As soon as he notices Dillon, his hands crawl into fists. "Sonny, don't...." He was already tapping his shoulder and as soon as Dillon notices, Sonny throws his fist into his jaw. Dillon growls in pain and grabbs his jaw. "What was that for??" He shouts. "You know exactly why!! First of all you told complete shit to Y/N about you needing and loving her. And second of all, you hurt her you fucker!" Sonny throws another punch into his face,this time Sonny hits his nose. "I deserve a change with her! Why do you get to have her all by yourself and not me!!" To your surprise, Dillon's fists collides with Sonny's jaw too. "I'm her fiancee! We love each other!" Another hit from Sonny. "She could grow to love me too!" Sonny laughs bitterly and shooks his head. "She could never ever love you" That sent Dillon over the edge, they were now into a complete fight. Everyone was watching but noone did anything. That's the point where you had to step up. "Guys, stop!" You shout. They stop instantly and a complete silence filled the room. "Dillon, you have to realise that I can never love you, I love Sonny and we are a family. Please just leave us alone" you pull Sonny's hand and both of you storm out of the doors.
The whole ride home was silent, and you were glad, you had to think things through.
"Mills, I'm sorry I fought. He hurted you and told you things only I can tell you, that made me so angry...I just..." you silence him with your finger. "Sonny, I'm not mad. I couldn't be mad at you for fighting over me. I love you" Sonny pulls you in for a tight embraze and you relax into his touch. "Okay, let's get you cleaned up" you say as you took a look on his bloody lip and eyebrow. You both went into the kitchen where Sonny sat on the chair and you put a couple of bandages on his face. "I love you too" Sonny whispers and pulls you into his lap, kissing you sweetly.  


AAAAAH! He's sooo cuteeee! It's sooo adorable imagine I don't know why, just Sonny fighting over his fiancee, such a cutie! :)

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