13. imagine

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Heyy! Happy friday! :)

"Look at that, darling!" Sonny exclaims and throws his finger up on the screen where James Harden was. You daughter clapped her hands together in a excitment and Sonny had to hold her on his lap still, beacuse that girl was ready to run towards that tall basketball player. Your daughter has something with that man, maybe it's the beard ahahaha.
"Jemmie!" She shouted many times. You and Sonny just laughed as Sonny kissed her head lightly. "I guess she really likes Harden" you giggle and nod.
Every time Harden threw the ball in the basket, your daughter was the first one to clap her tiny hands. How adorable.
At the break they rolled a camera around, showing some people in the crowd on a big screen. You were actually pretty surprised as the camera landed on your family. "Wave, baby" your daughter cracked a giggle and waved her hand towards the camera, her brown locks which she probably had because Sonny has them too, were bouncing a little. The most adorable thing is that your daughter was actually wearing a baseball shirt like Sonny, which said "HOUSTON ROCKETS" On the front.
You actually couldn't believe how cute your little family really was. Some people from crowd were awwing as Sonny swang an arm around you, and bringing you closer to him.


Ps: please pretend that Sonny is wearing a houston rockets shirt ahahahah. It doesn't mean I don't like the other team which is on his shirt tho.

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