xiv. - fugitives

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                                          Lucy and El stood in Mike's basement bathroom. Lucy gently rubbing a wet washcloth across El's face. Getting rid of the dirt and dried blood that covered it as well as cleaning herself up a bit.

"Ok. I'm done." Lucy smiled at her, leaning away from El. Eleven turned to look at herself in the mirror. A small frown on her face as she placed her hand on top of her head, feeling for the wig she had lost.

"You don't need it." Lucy said to her stepping a little bit closer. "Still pretty?" El asked looking to Lucy. Lucy nodded to her. "Of course! You'll always be pretty. No matter what." El looked back at herself in the mirror. But this time she was smiling a bit.

"Hey, El?" Lucy quietly spoke up. "Yes?" El replied looking over to her. "You know... I'm really happy that you're back." "Me, too."

The air seemed to go still around them. Lucy really did like Eleven. She was sure of that now. And as El moved in with her she thought that she maybe liked her too.

"Guys! It's Lucas, I think he's in trouble." Dustin said startling the girls as her barged into the bathroom. "What?" Lucy said her eyebrows furrowed as she followed after Dustin. "Do you remember how he said he was looking for the gate?" Dustin asked picking up his walkie-talkie. "Yes." Lucy nodded.

"What's he saying?" Mike asked grabbing ahold of the walkie-talkie. "I don't know, he's way out of range." Dustin shrugged. "Lucas, if you can hear us, slow down. We can't understand you." Mike said.

The radio kept on going in and out. In between the static and half-spoken words it was hard to make out anything Lucas was saying.

"'Mad hen.' Does that mean anything to you? Like a code name or something?" Dustin asked looking around. Lucy shook her head, biting on her inner lip. Thinking hard on it. "Bad men... you think he's saying, bad men?" Lucy suggested looking over at Mike.

Mike looked at Lucy, realization coming over his face. He set the walkie-talkie down onto the table. "Stay here." He told El. "We'll be right back!" Lucy told El running up the stairs after her friends.

They stared out the window anxiously. They had spotted about a van outside. A Hawkins Power and Light van. It was facing right towards Mike's house.

"What's that guy doing?" Mike asked. "You don't think..." Dustin said looking over to him. "Oh, no." Lucy whispered glancing back at Mike as he ran towards the kitchen before staring back out of the window.

"Sooo." Dustin dragged out in a sing-song voice making Lucy look to him confused. "What happened in the bathroom?" "What?" Lucy questioned. "When I walked in. You two were awfully close." Dustin said nudging her shoulder. "Dustin now's not the time, we're about to die! I'll tell you later." Lucy said before looking out the window again.

A few more vans began to pull into Mike's driveway making Lucy gulp as Dustin quickly closed the curtains. Both of them getting up and running to the kitchen to get Mike. They had to leave now.

"Mike!" Dustin called. "One second." Mike said waving him off. "Michael!" Lucy screamed grabbing his attention. "We don't have a second! We're leaving now!"

Running back down into the basement they collected their things before heading out to their bikes. Lucy could see how many men were looking at them from their spot. She suddenly felt very scared and nervous. Her hands shaking and her heart beating faster as she sat on her bike, El sitting behind her.

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐞,   𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗿.Where stories live. Discover now