xx. - who you gonna call?

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                                          Humming under her breath Lucy tapped her fingers along the edge of her sink. A bobby pin rested between her lips as her hand moved between holding her hair up and down. Her eyebrows furrowed in frustration the longer she stared at herself in the mirror. With a slight groan, she spit the bobby pin in her mouth into the skin before letting her hair fall down her shoulders. "Lucy hurry up! I think your friends are already leaving!" Her sister called from downstairs. "What! Already!" Lucy shouted, mostly to herself though, before running out of the bathroom and into her own room.

She tore her backpack off of her bed before running out of her room and down the stairs, barely making it down without tripping herself from the speed she was going. She shoved her feet haphazardly into her shoes before rushing out the front door, yelling a quick bye to her sister before slamming the door shut.

At the end of her driveway, Lucy could see both Mike and Lucas slowly backing out on their bikes. The sight made her wave to them quickly. "Wait for me!" She called out to them, shoving her bag into the basket of her bike before clumsily climbing onto it. "Come on! Catch up!" Lucas called out to her, both he and Mike already biking away. "You jerks!" Lucy called as she moved her legs quickly against the pedals of her bike to catch up to her two friends.

Lucy biked up to the school with her friends (who she had caught up to rather quickly and very out of breath) singing along with them to the tune of the ghostbusters theme song. The very theme song of the people they were currently dressed up as.

The five of them always wore matching Halloween costumes, for as long as Lucy could remember. Even if they couldn't find a perfect group costume they would always be matching in one way or another. One of her favorite traditions of theirs if she had to say so herself. Halloween was one of her favorite holidays, just after Christmas.

"Who you gonna call?" Lucy, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin sang in synk as they parked their bikes. "Ghostbusters!" Will finished walking up just behind them. "Looking good!" Lucy said to Will as she put her bike lock on. "Egon! Yeah!" Lucas cheered in greeting to Will. "Venkman!" Will cheered back, meeting him in a hug. "Whoa! Whoa!" Mike said in a confused response to what Will had called Lucas. He then stared at the nameplate sewn into his costume. "What?" Lucas asked.

"Why are you Venkman?" Mike asked. "Because I'm Venkman." Lucas plainly stated. "No, I'm Venkman." Mike said shaking his head. "Why can't there be two Venkmans?" Will asked. "Because there's only one Venkman in real life. We planned this months ago. I'm Venkman, Dustin's Stantz, you're Egon, Lucas is Winston, and Lucy's a ghost." Mike explained. "Luc isn't even dressed as a ghost!" Lucas said pointing to her. "Yeah, that's because I'm Winston. I figured sooner or later this would happen when we were planning on who would be who." Lucy told them with a sigh. "And Mike, I'm doing you all a favor. Nobody wants to be Winston, I'm pretty much making a sacrifice to my dignity." She said to him crossing her arms over her chest.

"Plus, I specifically didn't agree to Winston." Lucas pointed out to Mike. "Yes, you did!" Mike said back. "I don't think he did." Will added. "No one wants to be Winston, man." Lucas sighed. Dustin shook his head in agreement to what Lucas had said. "What's wrong with Winston?" Mike asked. "What's wrong with Winston? He joined the team super late, he's not funny, and he's not even a scientist!" Lucas told him. "Yeah, but he's still cool." Mike said. "If he's cool, then you be Winston." Lucas said. "It is a velcro name tag you know. You can take it if you want." Lucy said in a sing-song voice to Mike. "I can't!" Mike plainly said. "Why not?" Lucas asked him. "Because..." Mike stuttered. "B-b-b-because you're not black?" Lucas questioned mockingly. "I didn't say that!" Mike stated. "You thought it." Lucas told him.

Out of the corner of her eye Lucy could see Dustin turning away from the group and looking around. Looking towards him she was about to call out and ask him what was wrong before she noticed just the thing Dustin had seconds ago. Her face playing a bit in realization. "Guys... Guys! Guys!" Dustin shouted making the rest of their friends look over. Watching as kids exited the school bus and walked past them. "Why is no one else wearing costumes?" Lucy pressed her face into the palm of her hand. "You've got to be joking." She sighed. "Crap." Lucas swore under his breath.

Walking through the halls of their school Lucy kept her face hidden in the palm of her hands, her embarrassment too fresh to reveal her red face to the rest of her classmates. She trailed along behind her friends, her eyes sticking like glue to the floor. "When do people make these decisions?" Dustin said, his voice wavering. "Everyone dressed up last year." Will stated, looking around at the other kids around them. "It's a conspiracy, I'm telling you." Dustin said to him. "Feels like a massive joke against just us." Lucy spoke up quietly, leaning closer to them. "Just be cool." Mike told them.

"Who you gonna call? The nerds!" Some random kid mocked as the group passed by him. Lucy scowled and moved her hand away from her face just enough to flip the kid off. "God, this day is already moving by too slow." She sighed.

"It was the weirdest thing! Like nobody thought to dress up? What's wrong with them?" Lucy complained, biking alongside her friends. "I know right! It's horrible." Dustin agreed. "Like where did the Halloween spirit go? Did everyone just decide they are too cool to participate?" Lucy scoffed.

"Hey, guys?" Dustin spoke up. "There's a car coming." He warned. "It's fine they'll move." Lucy waved him off and went to continue talking about her strange interaction. "They're not moving. Guys!" Dustin said the panic in his voice growing as the car sped up. "Go, go, go, go, go!" Lucas yelled as he started biking faster. The rest of them followed suit. "Mike, you need to haul ass!" Dustin yelled at him when he started lagging behind. "Oh my god! I cannot die dressed as Winston!" Lucy shouted.

The group of them let out yells as the car turned into the next lane at the last second, driving them all off the road. "Whoa!" Dustin shouted as he pulled his bike to a quick stop. Lucy tumbled a bit as she fell off her bike and straight into the pile of leaves below her. Her breath hitched as she felt a sharp pain run through her knee as her leg got stuck in her bike. "Holy shit! Was that..." Dustin suddenly shouted as he caught a glimpse into the car. "Mad Max." Lucas said, finishing his sentence. Lucy groaned once again and fell flat on her back against the grass and leaves. "Ok great. Now can you guys help me?"


𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐞,   𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗿.Where stories live. Discover now