01 -- one night

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Midoryia's POV:

It was normal night. The night where Uraraka dragged me out of my room to have some fun with the class once in a while. I had gotten used to this since we've been doing this when we first gotten our dorms. I had about an hour before Uraraka comes to get me. Tonight was a sleepover night since it was the weekend. Kirishima, Denki and Sero were the ones who came up with everything always.

In the hour I had left I was just sitting on my bed day dreaming. I wonder what the game will be. We have always played truth or dare or spin the bottle, which I never participate in. Uraraka had texted me that she was heading to get me. Wow the hour went by fast.

I get on some comfy pajamas. This time they didn't have all might on them. They were a pair of green basketball shorts and a white baggy tank top. Uraraka finally got to my room and we walked to the common area. We were the last ones there.

"Hey guys come sit down with us!" Kirishima yelled to use when we got off the elevator. We sat down. I was next to Kirishima and Uraraka.

Kirishima told use we we're playing 'jellybean never have I ever'. I've never played this before so it might be interesting.

He explained the rules.

1) when someone says a never have I ever and you've done it, grab a jellybean.
2) you can't lie
And 3) whoever eats the most jellybeans loses.

Kirishima decided to start which meant I might be next.

"Never have I ever kissed anyone" Kirishima said.

Only a few people grabbed a jellybean, but I didn't. No one surprising did.

"Okay Deku your turn" Kirishima looked at me.

"Uh- never have I ever dated anyone." I said. I was nervous so I just said something that came to mind.  Only three people grabbed a jellybean.

The game went on for a while and I hadn't grabbed any jellybeans yet. Denki had, had the most. Wasn't surprised.

It was Kacchans turn.

"Never have I ever bought five or more all might merchandise." He said. I looked at him because I knew he was directing it to me. I was the only one who grabbed a jellybean.

A couple more people went and I hadn't grabbed anymore.

"I have to go to the bathroom guys. I'll be right back" I said to the group.  I got up and walked through the circle and tripped. Over Denki's foot.

I landed on something. I looked up and it was Kacchan.

"Ahh k-kacchan I'm s-sorry!" I say stuttering like an idiot.

"Wow I never saw you as a top, stupid ne-" Kacchan paused "I MEAN GET OFF ME SHITTY NERD!!"  I jumped up and walked to the bathroom. I was blushing. But why?

We usually played three games. The night had only just started.

I got back to where I was sitting in the circle. Everyone had waited for me so we could play the next game.

Next game: 7 minutes in heaven. Great. I would usually back out of this game but Uraraka had convinced me to play this time.

There was a hat full of our names. First up was Iida. I was surprised he was even playing. He went in there with Tokoyami. They didn't do anything justed talked about school. Next was Asui and Uraraka. I don't know what happened with them but they came out blushing. I brushed it off. I had to pick out of the hat next.

I reach my hand into the hat and pull out a name. Kirishima.

Me and Kirishima walked into the closet. "Okay the timer is starting." Mina called out.

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