03 -- dare

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Midoryia's POV:

I felt bad for making Kacchan fall and also making him spill his cereal all over himself. I asked to help, but he didn't want me to.... Like always. I wonder if I made a fool of myself yesterday. I did drink a lot, but I didn't want to KISS anyone. Well maybe someo- no what am I think he wouldn't kiss me back.

"Bleh what's that smell?" Uraraka walks up to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Are you still drunk Deku?" She asked me.

"No, but I still have a headache" I answered.

"Well go take a shower or something. You stink!" I agree and go to get a towel and clothes.

As I was walking down to the showers I saw Kirishima and Kaminari walk out. They were holding hands.

"U-uh Kirishima are you and Kaminari together?" I whispered so no one around could hear.

"O-oh uh yeah!" He was blushing.

"Awwww!!!! That's so cute!!!" I said.

"Well now it you and Bakugou's turn!" Kaminari said.

"I-i-i uh w-what!" I was blushing super hard.

"Kaminari don't tease him!" They made me very confused.

"Well we have to go Deku see you later!" Kirishima winked.

I was still blushing while I walked into the shower room.

I hear another shower going, but I didn't think much of it. I usually only take five minute showers and when I stopped the other shower stopped. I wrapped my towel around my waist and get out..... Great.

Out of all my luck of course the other person had to be Kacchan. He had noticed me too. I was starring.

"What are you looking at nerd?" He said when he noticed I was starting.

"N-nothing." I started to get dressed. I glanced over and I saw Kacchans abs. I think I drooled a little. Snap out of it Izuku! I don't like him!

Katsuki's POV:

I saw Deku glance over a couple times. I will admit I did too. He's body definitely wasn't like before when we were kids. I finally got dressed and walked up to Deku.

"Hey Deku!" I said. He jumped after I said that.

"Y-yeah Kacchan?" He was stuttering. I'm not going to lie it's kinda cute. Uhg stupid feelings. Having these feelings make me want to hit him even more.

"Did Kirishima and Kaminari say anything to you?" I remembered what I told them after they said they were dating.


"What are you jealous of me dating Kaminari?" Kirishima asked.

"NO. It just I wish I was in a relationship with someone." I realized what I had said. "I mean-"

"Hmm so who is this person?" Kaminari said looking at me with a smirk.

"WELL I DON'T KNOW IF I LIKE HIM! I JUST GET A WEIRD FEELING AROUND HIM!" I yelled. Shit I told them it was a guy.

"Oh it's a guy!" Kirishima said. "Is it Deku??"

Fuck. "Maybe" I whispered.

"I KNEW IT!" kirishima said.

"Well we have to go bye! Here's your clothes!" He threw the clothes to me and left.

I got in the shower and heard someone enter.

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