05 -- would you rather

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Katsuki's POV

Deku hadn't shown up for the rest of lunch. I was kinda worried.

I started walking to class and I noticed everyone was surrounding Deku's desk. I push around some people to see what was happening. He was crying.

"Hey Deku you alright?" I say

"Yes guys I'm fine, I promise!" I could tell he was fakeing a smile.

"Deku no you're not I can tell. I know you Deku. Come here." I take his hand and walk him outside of the classroom. No one follows.

"What's wrong!" I said.

"Your only being nice to because of the stupid dare!! I heard what you said In the lunch room!!" He was still crying.

"That's not what I meant! I do want to be your friend! Please believe me." I go in for a hug. He hugs back.

"Okay, I will." He said as I smiled and blushed.

"Thank you." I replied.

"Okay guys get back into the classroom! Quit flirting" Mr.Aizawa said.

"Flirting?" Deku said blushing. Which was cute. He walks back in it class. I follow.

After school I started to walk back to the dorms.

"Kacchan!!" I heard Deku, I stopped and waited.

"What's up nerd." I said.

"Well I was wondering if we could hang out more!! I mean we have once and it was fun and I kinda messed it up, but I wanted to hang out more because well it would be like when we were kids and it would probably be a lot of fu-" Deku was rambling again.

"Okay okay yeah sure just stop rambling!" I said smirking.

"Really! Thank you!" He said . He had a huge smile which showed of his cute frekles.

"What up with you two!?" I heard floaty ask.

"Oh hi Uraraka! Me and Kacchan are friends again." Deku said.

She starts whispering into his ear. I roll my eyes.

"What no-" he starts whispering too.

"YOU DO!! AWW SO CUTE!!" floaty screamed.

"Don't be so loud 'he's right here!!'" he whispered the last part but I still heard it.

I wrap my arm around his shoulders and we start walking again. Uraraka was still following but was a little behind.

What did she mean 'that so cute'? And he said 'he right here'. When I realized what they said I started blushing and froze. Does he like me back!? No. He can't. Maybe he just doesn't want me to know who he likes.

"Hey Kacchan keep walking. And can we hang out in your dorm?" He said.

"S-sure" I was blushing.

"Did you just stutter!?" Deku asked.

"NO I DIDNT!" I lied.

We got to my dorm, I sat on my bed and Deku just stood there.

"Sit down on my bed! I'm not going kill you." I said laughing.

He sits down.

"Soo Deku who do you like? I can help you get with her...... Or him! Which ever you prefer." I said

"W-what!? I uh like someone but I don't want to tell anyone right now." He said.

"Didn't you tell Uraraka when we were by the school?"

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