Chapter 5: Spider-People

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We walked up to Aunt May's house, which was covered in flowers and memorials for Peter, and I started to walk up to the door to open it when Parker said. "We should probably go."

"Peter, we're literally on the doorstep." Gwen said to him. "Bad idea. Bad idea. This is a bad idea." Parker said as he starts to walk away but Gwen web shoots him and pulls him back. "Just relax." We said as I knock the door and open it. "Aunt May?" I called out and she comes out from the kitchen area. "(Y/n)! What a pleasant surprise!" She said as she walks up to me. "Yeah, uh....listen...there's someone here I want you to meet." I said. "Oh, please, no more fans. They're all sweet and everything but...." She started to say but I shake my head. "This one you definitely have to meet." I said then I lead her outside and point towards Parker, who still looked nervous, and she gasps as she looks at him.

"Peter?" May said, tearfully, as she walks up to him. "Hey, Aunt May. So this is gonna sound crazy, but I'm pretty sure that I'm from an..." Parker started to explain but May finishes it. "An alternate dimension." She said. "Yeah." He said. "You look tired, Peter." She said, smirking. "Well, I am tired." He chuckles. "And older. And thicker." May said. "Yeah. I've heard that already." Parker said, exasperated, then she noticed the sweatpants. "Oh, jeez. Are those sweatpants?" She asked. "Yup, that's what they are." Gwen said.

"(Y/n) and I were there, when it all happened. I am so sorry." Miles said as he walks up to May, who looks over at me and I nodded. "And what dimension are you from?" She asked Miles. "Brooklyn." Miles replied. "May, this is my friend Miles." I said. "Oh! So this is the Miles I heard so much about." She said and I smiled. "All good, I hope." Miles said with a smile. "Nah, I've only told her the bad stuff." I said, winking at him, then May and I laughed.

Miles face turned red a bit when I turned to May. "We need to get into the lab, so that we could make another one of these." I said as I hand the broken key to her. "A goober." She mutters as she takes it then looks over at us. "Follow me." She said and we started to make our way into the backyard and towards the shed.

"Oh, yeah, I got one of these, too. A little, old shed where I keep my Spider-gear." Parker bragged as Aunt May unlocks the lock and it lights up and opens. She looks over at us and I look towards Miles and wink before we all get inside. "I mean, this place is pretentious." Parker mumbles when the door shuts and we head down into the lab. "Whoa. Dude. Was yours anything like this?" Miles asked Parker. "Mine was like this, but take away the jeep, the plane. Imagine it way smaller. Imagine a futon. I feel sad for this guy." Parker said once we make it down to the lab.

"Hey, wanna see something cool?" I asked Miles and he nods and I take him over to a wall that had all of Peter's Spider-Man suits and point at one that had a cape. Miles looks at it and smiles. "Hey, Peter. I think this is a cape." He said as he shows the cape. Parker, who was looking at a picture, looks over and chuckles once he sees the suit.

"Peter knew how dangerous the job was. But he figured the only one who could stop this guy was Spider-Man." May said. "Kingpin knows we're coming. We're going to be outnumbered." I said to May. "Don't be so sure. You might need these." May said and she holds up these name tags and markers to us.

Then Gwen, Parker and Miles start to look around then turn to look up, I follow their gaze. "You think you're the only people who thought to come here?" She said and my jaw drops once I see a guy, all in black hanging, above us. "Hey, fellas." He greets, tipping his hat. "Is he in black and white?" I asked. "Where's that wind coming from? We're in a basement." Parker said.

"Wherever I go, the wind follows. And the wind, it smells like rain." The guy said, dramatically. He kinda reminded me those old detective movies my dad, my real dad, used to watch when I was younger.

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