Chapter 7: Showdown

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We were able to make our way into Kingpin's building, pretty unnoticed by the way which he really needs to up his security. Miles and I make our way into the labs section and see the other Spider-people making it in the lab as the crawl on the walls. But then they were attacked by Doc Ock and her goons. 

"Where you going, Peter?" She asked Parker as she grabbed him with one of her mechanical arms. "Any last words?" She asked him as she squeezes Parker. Miles turns invisible and I start to crawl on the roof. "Can I get a minute to think about it? You have a pen?" Parker asked her as he tries to gasp for air. "Goodbye, Peter Parker." She said as she has another arm reach out towards Parker but then the arm turns to her and punches her in the face.

She looks around confused then I shoot a web at another arm and made it punch her in the face again. "Who did that?!" She calls out as Miles punches her and I move the arm to punch her as well. Then I let go of the web then used another web to start swinging towards her, just as Miles appears. "Spider-Man? Spider-Girl?" Doc Ock said, confused, just as Miles and I come at her at the same time landing a punch to her and she let's Parker go.

"Wow, Miles. You're doing it on command!" Parker said as the three of us stick to the wall. "It's about time, right?" Miles said then Parker looks over at me. "You can stick to walls now?!" He asked me, shocked. "Magnets." I said as I raise my hand. "I love you two! I am so proud of both of you!" Parker exclaims, making Miles and I laugh. "Do I want kids?" Parker asked to himself when something was thrown at us.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about her." Parker said as Doc Ock throws another piece of the wall at us and we dodge it and swing around. "Well, that doesn't look promising." Parker said as we look down to see the beams of light were connected to each other and something was rising out of the ground. "No, it doesn't." I said as we try to fight Doc Ock but she seemed faster as she has three of her arms wrapped around our necks.

We struggled in her grip when we noticed the lights on the beams started to intensify and change colors. Then we pull out of her grip and fall toward the beams which showed us tons of debris of cars, buildings and streets.

"Guys, are you seeing this?" Miles asked as we jumped around. "Looks like our dimensions are coming to us." Gwen said once she comes over to us. "Does look cool though, right?" Parker asked as we see a blob of buildings starting to rise up. "We gotta get back up there." I said then the three turned around. I turn as well to see that a bus was coming at us and we jumped away. I look down and see Noir, Peni and Spider-Ham fighting Tombstone and Scorpion, which they seemed to handle themselves pretty well. Although, Peni's robot was taking some serious damage.

Miles, Gwen, Parker and I were fighting Doc Ock when she knocked me towards a wall, and I felt the wind knocked out of me. "(Y/n)!" I hear Miles yell before I fall off of the wall and plummet down. As I start to fall, I turn on my back then look up to see Miles coming towards me then he reaches out to me. I reach out to him and both of us grasp each other's hand. "Meant to tell you, nice suit." I said. "Thanks!" Miles said as he turns and shoots a web and Parker grabs it.

"That was adorable, team! Now, hold on tight!" He shouts as he throws us and we start to fly towards Doc Ock, who was getting punched in the face by Gwen. Gwen ducks down as I fly towards her and punch her, then Miles and Parker before Miles and I turn around and punch her together and she falls back. We turn to each other and high-fived each other when we see her starting to crawl back to us.

"Buckle up, guys. This is gonna take a while." Gwen said and all of us get into a stance as she gets closer to us. Until a semi truck hits her and knocks her away. "All right. Never mind. Let's end this thing." Gwen said. "Guys, we got it." Miles said as we step back. "I'll go. I'm the one with the goo..." Parker started to say as he starts to  dig into his glove but couldn't find the key until I held it up to him. "Oh, you gotta be kidding me." He said, annoyed. "Don't watch the mouth. Watch the hands." I repeated back to him and both Miles and I web swing up then we started to head downwards.

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