Chapter 8: Let's Do This One More Time

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Miles and I stood on top of a building as we watch the cops arrest some of Kingpin's goons. We watched as he father loaded someone up in the back of a car before Miles picks up his own phone and dials his dad's number.

"Miles? Miles? Are you okay?" His dad asked, worriedly. "Yeah, I'm okay. You're probably busy..." Miles replied. "No! I can talk, I can talk. Look, so I came by earlier because...Your uncle..." his dad started to say, his voice full of tears. "I know, Dad. I am so sorry." Miles said as he pulls his mask off and I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Yeah." His dad mutters as Miles places left hand over my hand that was on his shoulder. 

"Do you know who did it?" Miles asked bus dad. "I thought I did. But I was wrong." His dad said before he takes a breathe. "Look, Miles, what I said at the door, it wasn't just talk. Look, you know, I was thinking maybe we could find a nice wall, privately owned, like at the police station, and you could throw up some of your art." His dad said and Miles smiles as he starts to cry then puts his mask back on then hangs up. Then he takes my hand and we run and jump off of the building together and land behind his dad.

"Officer." Both of us said, Miles trying to make his voice deeper. "Spider-Man and Spider-Girl!" Mr Morales exclaims, in shock, before he composes himself. "Listen, down there, that was... I mean, I owe you..." he stammers before Miles hugs him. "Okay!" His dad said before he places his arms around Miles. "We look forward to workin' with you." I said to him, trying to make my voice sound a little different, as Miles pulls away from the embrace. "Yeah, me, too. I guess. I don't approve of your methods, but we're just gonna have to agree to disagree." said Mr Morales. 

"Thank you for your bravery tonight. I love you." Miles said as he salutes him and both of us start to walk away. "Wait, what?" I hear his dad say then I turn and shout. "And look behind you!" And he turns around to see that we had webbed up Kingpin between two buildings, with a note on his chest:

From your friendly neighborhood, Spider-Man and Spider-Girl

Miles and I walked down the street as everyone started to high-five us and shout how awesome we are. "Yeah, I'm the new Spider-Man! And this is my partner, Spider-Girl." Miles shouted at a few people and both of us run up to the side of a building and run.

Okay, let's do this one last time, yeah?

For real this time. This is it.

My name is Miles Morales. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for like two days, I've been the one and only Spider-Man.

My name is (y/n) Parker. I'm just a normal girl that has a super suit and too much time on her hands. And for two days, I've been the new Spider-Girl.

I think you know the rest. We finished our essays. Saved a bunch of people. Got hit by a drone. I did this with my dad.

That neat painted memorial for your uncle. That's really cool!

I also did this...

"Miles, come on! What are we doing?" I asked him as he has his hands over my eyes. "Almsot there..." he said as we walk a few more paces and I chuckle. "Miles..." I said, exasperated, then we stopped. "Okay, right there!" He said. "Okay, what did you do now?" I asked as he starts to move his hands off of my eyes. "Okay, you can look now!" He said and I open my eyes and gasped.

In front of me was an elaborate heart, made to look like spiderwebs, with my name and Miles name in the middle of it, painted on a wall of an empty alleyway. "Miles..." I whispered then I turn around to see that he was hanging upside down by a web  "Seriously?" I laughed as I walk closer to him. "Yeah...why not?" He said, shrugging, and I laugh again.

" you...?" He started to asked before I lean up and kiss him, which I gotta say this felt...nice and magical. Is that a corny thing to say? "I love it." I said, softly, once I pull back from the kiss. He smiles at me before he leans forward and kisses me again.

That really was a sweet thing you did.

Yeah, I know.


Anyway, met my roommate. Finally. Slapped a sticker where my dad's never gonna find it.

And when we feel alone, like no one understands what we're going through, we remember our friends who get it.

I never thought I'd be able to do any of this stuff. But I can.

As my cousin said....Anyone can wear the mask. You could wear the mask. If you didn't know that before, I hope you do now. Cause I'm Spider-Girl.

And I'm Spider-Man.

And we're not the only ones.

Not by a long shot.

Miles and I were sitting on a roof, leaning against the wall, listening to a song. We were bobbing our head to the music, singing along with it, when a bright light appears in front of us. "Guys. Guys!" A voice shouts and we look over to see Gwen appearing on a portal. "You guys got a minute?" She asked us and we smile at her.

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