Killer POV - First Victim

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I was ready to hunt my prey. I was fully disguised in dark black robes, black leather gloves, and brown boots. I covered my face with a gas mask. Poor girl, her parents were out of town tonight so I would pay her a visit. I stared through the window at her as she ate her popcorn and watched her television. She had not noticed me. She looked at me once and looked away, I ducked and she looked again. She murmured and continued munching her popcorn and watching her TV shows. The house she lived in was a huge, white farm house. The animals did not react to me in any way, shape or form. The pigs and cows carried on with their daily business. I needed to get her attention in order to strike. Their could be no mistakes. I rang the doorbell and hid around the side of the house. I heard her voice.

"Who's there?" The victim yelled.

I was not going to respond as I could not afford my voice being recognised. The girl was a pretty young thing the age of eighteen, long blonde hair, huge breasts, a big bottom. Mm, my type of victim! I didn't know where she had gotten to so I waited a while before ringing again. I rang the bell again. No response. I needed to figure out where she was. I snuck around to the back door and peaked inside she was not in sight of the kitchen, I snuck around the front and peaked through the window, she was cowering on the sofa on her cell phone. Shit! She was calling the cops as a guess. I had to act fast. I banged loudly on the front door.

"Ahh!" She screamed. "There's someone here! Please come quickly!" I ran to the back door and smashed the glass with my hammer .

I jumped through the broken glass and stormed towards my target in the living room. Our eyes exchanged looks.
"Please don't kill me!" She begged. I walked slowly towards her.
"He's going to kill me!" She screamed through the phone.

She was looking for an exit. I couldn't risk her escaping now but I had to move quickly to avoid the arrival of the police. I swung my hammer at her head but she dove off the sofa and made a run for the front door. As she struggled to open the door due to her constant shaking, I ran towards her and grasped her by her long, blonde hair and dragged her back until she fell to the floor. I put one hand on her neck and placed her head firmly on the floor to suffocate her, she tried to struggle but I was too strong. I then pounded her in the skull with my hammer several times until blood and brains were scattered throughout the carpet. It would take a while to clean up those stains but that didn't bother me because my job was done. I put my hammer into my robe pocket and opened the door and ran away as quickly as possible. I heard sirens so I had to stay hidden but I found a way to escape using my dark robe as a blending with shadows tool and don't you worry, their would be plenty more victims to come. Ah i was so pleased with myself, the bloodlust would surely get worse and so would the crimes i committed...

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