Dylan Spritz POV - The letter

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Seeing Katie's face on the huge screen at the front of the assembly hall got to me as well as the sweet memories people were reminiscing about times with her in their speeches. Katie's closest friends sat in the front row crying their eyes out. I had to try and hold in the tears and I was struggling. Before I knew it, it was mine and Chelsea's turn to take the stage. I walked nervously behind Chelsea as we walked towards the stand with the microphone. I looked up at all of the sad faces staring down on me thinking about a friend they had lost to a gruesome crime. Chelsea spoke first, her voice was breaking straight away.

"Katie was a beautiful girl." Chelsea sniffed. "She was sweet, kind, caring and one of the most popular girls I knew. She was taken from us to soon and I hope the police catch the scum behind it. She will be in our hearts forever and always. Now my boyfriend Dylan will say a few words, he was closer to her than I was."

I froze up. Chelsea grabbed my hand.

"You can do it!" Chelsea whispered in my ear. Tears were now rolling from my eyes so she squeezed my hand to comfort me. I took the stand.

"Erm.." I began. "I..well.,Katie was a very kind person. Whenever I was upset she always stopped to ask me what was wrong. She always was smiling when she was with her friends in the hallways. She never let anyone mess her around. She deserved the world and...she didn't deserve this. We show you great love and much respect as we all say goodbye to you. My thoughts go out to all of your family and friends. I'll miss you and I'm sure all of us here will too...goodbye Katie...goodbye... forever."

The crowd clapped my speech as I cried. I was so nervous, I didn't even know how I thought of the speech on the spot. Chelsea held me as I continued to cry. We were ushered off the stage ready for the next speech, we walked towards the back seats and joined the students for the rest of the assembly. My emotions had come out and I used to struggle with opening up and letting emotions out before i had met my one true love and without Chelsea there that day I don't know if I would of done that or if I even would have had the courage to say goodbye to Katie.. forever.

Later on, come night time me and Chelsea were sitting in my bedroom watching TV and sharing popcorn.

"How are you feeling babe?" Chelsea asked me nicely.

"Sad, I really got my emotions out today. I just can't believe anybody would do that to Katie." I said.

"I'm so proud of you. Your speech was great!" Chelsea said supportively.

"Thanks. You know I honestly couldn't have done that without you." I told Chelsea. I really couldn't have, she motivated me and held my hand through it all.

"Aw. I'm not the only one who's proud. So are all of Katie's friends." Chelsea replied grabbing a handful of popcorn.

All of a sudden, I heard the letterbox knock against the door.
"That might be Lily, George and Joe. I said they could come around tonight. I'll go let them in."

I walked downstairs to the door, I looked through the peephole and didn't see anybody. Were these dickheads playing some stupid prank on me?
I opened the door and nobody was in sight, I looked around the streets and still nobody in sight. I closed the door, as the door shut I noticed an envelope on the floor that someone must have posted. The envelope had 'Guess who?' Written on it. I ripped open the envelope to find a letter.

The letter read 'Lovely blue eyes and long black hair, I can you see your girl watching Tv in there, she's next on the list a pretty young thing, she best watch herself when the doorbell goes ding, am I inside or outside or am I in the house, best get back upstairs cuz I'm as quite as a mouse, I kill for fun and that's just my game, my last victim I believe that Katie was her name, oh it is such a a shame that when your girl dies she will scream just the same.'

My heart sank. Was this a sick prank or the killer trying to communicate with me? I shouted upstairs. "Chels! Chelsea!"
I ran upstairs and saw her continuing to eat popcorn while sitting on my bed.

"What's wrong?" She asked. "You look like you have seen a ghost." I felt like I had. I couldn't bring myself to tell her, I did not want to worry her but I didn't know what to do. I could not let her out of my sight after this.

"Nothing. Just knock door runners playing tricks, they knocked and ran off as I went to open the door. Really shit me up."

"Idiots they are and awe you dopey prick. Come back over here." Chelsea said patting the bed. "Come hold me." I was going to hold her and never let go.

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