Dylan Spritz: A day in with her

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It was the middle of the night, I was lying next to Chelsea in bed. I got out of bed and heard a bang. Chelsea did not respond. I walked towards the window.
Bang! The window smashed. I yelled as I looked to the smashed window, I saw a gas mask looking directly at me. I was threw to the floor and the killer walked over to Chelsea with a hammer raised.
"No!" I screamed.

I gasped for my breath. It was just a dream, another nightmare, I couldn't breathe. I woke Chelsea up with my panting.
"Dylan what's wrong?" She asked.

"A nightmare...again." I sighed.

"Aw no. Come here." Chelsea said as she held me.

"Will these nightmares ever stop?" I asked.

"You're under a lot of stress, they may come and go."

"I've felt fine all day and now this dream. That the killer was here, I saw the gas mask in the window and..."

"And what?"

"Nothing..." I lied. "I can't remember the rest."

"Aw babe. That's horrible. There's nobody here but me don't you worry."

"I'm going to get some water." I told her.

I was scared to walk down the stairs, it was the middle of the night and these dreams were spooking me out. I ran down the stairs, quickly poured a glass of water and ran back up being careful not to spill or drop my glass. I chugged the water.

"Feel better?" Chelsea asked.

"A little." I replied.

"Get some rest Dylan."

"I'll try."
But I didn't. I was not going back to sleep to another horrendous nightmare. I watched Chelsea sleep, she looked very peaceful. She was so brave in my eyes, she was a target of the killer and it didn't get to her as much as it did to me, she wasn't having nightmares. I didn't understand how she was coping but I admired the way she was dealing with things.

We ate breakfast cereal at the kitchen table, Chelsea noticed how tired I was.
"You didn't sleep did you babe?" She asked me.

"Not after that dream but do t worry ill be fine." I yawned.

"Things will be okay Dylan."

"I know babe, are you sure you're up to this camping trip next weekend?"

"Of course I am. It's always fun."

"Good babe, it'll be nice to get out of this shithole for a while."

"You know it will baby. Have you found out any more information about Joe and George."

"I trust them, they aren't killers they are my best friends despite being dicks all the time."

"Something seems suspicious though, once again they weren't around when another murder nearly took place..,"

"They were studying, they said."

"We will find out when the final exams come round won't we?"

"Yes we will."

"What are we doing today then?"

"Chilling in, just the two of us." I smiled.

"Oh yeah, sounds good to me!" Chelsea smiled.

"Chelsea I'm sorry..."

"What for?"

"Overreacting and being such an idiot just lately, I've just been worried about you."

"Aw Dylan! I know you have been worried and I've been worried about you too!"

"I've been so scared of losing you, I couldn't handle life without you."

"I feel the same about you Dylan and you tell me this all of the time. I ain't going anywhere anytime soon. I love you!"

"I love you too and I think we need to tell the guys soon about the baby."

"Whys that? They noticed the bump haven't they?"

"Yeah you could say that. They think you've put on weight."

"Haha! Idiots!"

"I'm surprised Lily hasn't told George."

"I wish I could tell her what that cheating cunt did!"

"I told him he was wrong to do what he did, he will realise soon enough."

"If he does it again you watch!"

"I hear you babe!"

I could never ever do what George did to Lily. He cheated on her for another girl at the party from what he said, it was odd though how George or Joe were not anywhere in sight of us when the murder took place that night. After our heart to heart I decided to shut out my suspicions, despite all of their faults they were my best friends. I wasn't half as worried as I used to be and the camping trip was approaching. We would be away from all of the stress, down Lovesaker Lake (our home away from home). We looked forward to this trip but we had no idea the road that would really be ahead of us the following weekend. I thought things were going to go so well but I let my guard slip once again and that was the mistake I constantly made. In the meantime things were looking up, I had Chelsea pregnant preparing for the family that I had dreamed of, me and the lads were getting along again and I was happy. For now...

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