Dylan Spritz POV - the killers identity

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Several months had passed since the news of Chelseas pregnancy. I arrived at school on a Friday morning, where i heard many students gossiping in the corridors.

"Those twins escaped the killer!"

"He had a hammer and a gas mask to hide his face!"

"Apparently somebody scared him away!"

I saw George in the corridors with Lily.
"What's going on? Has the killer struck again?"

"Kind of but he failed." George replied. "Apparently Naomi and Natalie Campbell had an encounter with him last night in the fog, they are saying he wore a gas mask to hide his face and was holding a hammer. He ran towards them but they got away when somebody came out of the house and scared him off."

"Scared him off, I thought he was a killer."

"Looks like you was right! He only targets women. He ran away from this man and the twins were lucky to get away in the fog."

"I need to speak to them."

"They aren't in today, their family want them at home after what happened. They told all of the popular girls and the rumours have spread faster than butter."

"I was with Chelsea last night, yet again the killer didn't aim for us. This is really odd."

"I was at home studying, because ginge here made me." George said nodding at Lily.

Lily punched him. "Don't call me that! And I know you need to study, out final exams will be coming up soon and you're fucking clueless."

"No I'm not. I got a good memory, I didn't need to study."

"But you still did..."

"Only for you." George said sarcastically. "Babe..."

"So this killer has finally been spotted and he wears a gas mask? How creepy!" I continued.
"Now maybe the police can do their job, now they've got clear visual."

"Haha police in this town. Yeah right. Be realistic Dylan, they are fucking useless."

"I'm just relieved the twins got away, I really need to talk to them about this. Where's Joe anyways?"

"Fuck knows haven't seen him all day, probably in the bathroom chucking up all of the crap that comes out of his mouth."

"Where was he last night?" I asked.

"Haha! You suggesting Joe is the killer. He couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag , let alone try to murder some girls in a fog."

"Perhaps, do you know where Chelsea is?"

"Probably in the girls bathroom." Lily replied.

"She's always in there these days, I think she might be ill Dylan. You best watch you don't catch it."

I had still not told George or Joe about the pregnancy yet and I had my reasons for it. Only me, Lily and Chelsea knew she was pregnant with my child. Chelsea has produced a bump and George and Joe kept telling me 'in private' they thought she had started to eat more since the death threats but they are clueless people.

I left George and Lily to wait outside the girls bathroom for Chelsea. She came out looking pale.

"Are you alright babe?" I asked.

"Yeah. I am now. What's up?" Chelsea replied.

"The killer he tried to strike last night but he failed. He tried to kill the Campbell twins."

"Naomi and Natalie? Oh my lord!"

"They escaped though! Some bloke came out and scared him away."

"Why didn't he just kill the man then?"

"Exactly! This proves he will only target females, he had a hammer on him as well and apparently he wears a gas mask and robes to cover his identity as well as gloves."

"You sound happy about this..."

"Not exactly happy. I just know that this killer won't be able to touch you while I'm around and that I can keep you safe!"

"You always do keep me safe. So they finally figured out what the killer looks like."

"Yes and he would be stupid to strike again wouldn't he?"

"Maybe but that might not stop him..."

"We will see. If the police know what he wears to kill then will he really risk wearing it again? Things are going to get better from this point, I just know it!"

"Easy Dylan! Two more lives were at risk here, think about how they are feeling right now."

"You're right. Sorry. I wanted to see if they're okay but they're not here today, their family though it was best they stay at home."

"I don't blame the family to be fair, these are dangerous times."

"Yes they are, have you seen Joe?"

"Nope, not today."

"I wonder where he is."

"He might be late, you know what he's like."

"Yes I do."

After about ten minutes I saw Joe in the corridors.
"Hey Joe! Where the fuck have you been?"

"I was up all night studying so I overslept." Joe yawned.

"Did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"The killer tried to attack again last night."

"Oh my! That's terrible, who did he kill?"

"Nobody! That's the funny part, the fucker aimed for the Campbell twins and some bloke scared him away. Some killer he is!"

"What an idiot. Why wouldn't he just kill the guy who came out?"

"It confirms my theory that he only targets females. It kind of makes sense why he hasn't came for Chelsea yet. I'm always with her and got people looking out for her, he won't attack unless his victims are alone. Also he wears a gas mask, robes and gloves and carries a hammer."

"Jesus! A gas mask? Is he some old guy from the old wars or something?"

"I doubt someone that old could do something like this but it's just his disguise I guess."

"So why would he aim for the twins?"

"Attractive girls aren't they? That's what the killer goes for, good looking girls."

"I wonder why..."

"Me too..."

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