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Before you start reading my imagines, I will say that I'm going to be writing straight imagines of Grizz. Imagines are written with the imagination of the writer. So these imagines will just be scenarios of Grizz, if he was straight. If you are offended by this, please don't leave hate, but instead just don't read my imagines. While watching 'The Society', I fell in love with Grizz and thought to myself, if I was in the show I'd want to date Grizz. Then I kept watching and found out he was gay. Which I loved because I am a supporter of #grizzam. But I still wanted to write imagines for the girls out there who would love to date Grizz, if he was straight and a real person. I just love writing imagines. Once again, if you are offended by this, please don't leave hate, except just don't read my imagines.

The Society ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now